2019-03-07 21:30:09 +01:00

240 lines
6.9 KiB

#include "timekeeper.h"
// Local logging tag
static const char TAG[] = __FILE__;
// symbol to display current time source
const char timeSetSymbols[] = {'G', 'R', 'L', '?'};
Ticker timesyncer;
void timeSync() { xTaskNotify(irqHandlerTask, TIMESYNC_IRQ, eSetBits); }
time_t timeProvider(void) {
time_t t = 0;
#ifdef HAS_GPS
t = get_gpstime(); // fetch recent time from last NEMA record
if (t) {
#ifdef HAS_RTC
set_rtctime(t); // calibrate RTC
timeSource = _gps;
timesyncer.attach(TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL * 60, timeSync); // regular repeat
return t;
// no GPS -> fallback to RTC time while trying lora sync
#ifdef HAS_RTC
t = get_rtctime();
if (t) {
timeSource = _rtc;
timesyncer.attach(60, timeSync); // short retry
// kick off asychronous DB timesync if we have
// kick off asychronous lora sync if we have
#elif defined HAS_LORA && (TIME_SYNC_LORA)
LMIC_requestNetworkTime(user_request_network_time_callback, &userUTCTime);
if (!t) {
timeSource = _unsynced;
timesyncer.attach(60, timeSync); // short retry
return t;
} // timeProvider()
// helper function to setup a pulse per second for time synchronisation
uint8_t timepulse_init() {
// use time pulse from GPS as time base with fixed 1Hz frequency
#ifdef GPS_INT
// setup external interupt pin for rising edge GPS INT
// setup external rtc 1Hz clock as pulse per second clock
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: external (GPS)");
return 1; // success
// use pulse from on board RTC chip as time base with fixed frequency
#elif defined RTC_INT
// setup external interupt pin for falling edge RTC INT
// setup external rtc 1Hz clock as pulse per second clock
if (I2C_MUTEX_LOCK()) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: external (RTC)");
return 1; // success
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "RTC initialization error, I2C bus busy");
return 0; // failure
return 1; // success
// use ESP32 hardware timer as time base with adjustable frequency
ppsIRQ = timerBegin(1, 8000, true); // set 80 MHz prescaler to 1/10000 sec
timerAlarmWrite(ppsIRQ, 10000, true); // 1000ms
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: internal (ESP32 hardware timer)");
return 1; // success
} // timepulse_init
void timepulse_start(void) {
#ifdef GPS_INT // start external clock gps pps line
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(GPS_INT), CLOCKIRQ, RISING);
#elif defined RTC_INT // start external clock rtc
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RTC_INT), CLOCKIRQ, FALLING);
#else // start internal clock esp32 hardware timer
timerAttachInterrupt(ppsIRQ, &CLOCKIRQ, true);
// interrupt service routine triggered by either pps or esp32 hardware timer
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
SyncToPPS(); // calibrates UTC systime, see Time.h
xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
if (ClockTask != NULL)
xTaskNotifyFromISR(ClockTask, uint32_t(now()), eSetBits,
#if defined GPS_INT || defined RTC_INT
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(TimePulse, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
TimePulseTick = !TimePulseTick; // flip ticker
// yield only if we should
if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
// helper function to check plausibility of a time
time_t timeIsValid(time_t const t) {
// is it a time in the past? we use compile date to guess
return (t >= compiledUTC() ? t : 0);
// helper function to convert compile time to UTC time
time_t compiledUTC(void) {
static time_t t = myTZ.toUTC(RtcDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__).Epoch32Time());
return t;
// helper function to convert gps date/time into time_t
time_t tmConvert(uint16_t YYYY, uint8_t MM, uint8_t DD, uint8_t hh, uint8_t mm,
uint8_t ss) {
tmElements_t tm;
tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(YYYY); // year offset from 1970 in time.h
tm.Month = MM;
tm.Day = DD;
tm.Hour = hh;
tm.Minute = mm;
tm.Second = ss;
return makeTime(tm);
// helper function to calculate serial transmit time
TickType_t tx_Ticks(uint32_t framesize, unsigned long baud, uint32_t config,
int8_t rxPin, int8_t txPins) {
uint32_t databits = ((config & 0x0c) >> 2) + 5;
uint32_t stopbits = ((config & 0x20) >> 5) + 1;
uint32_t txTime = (databits + stopbits + 2) * framesize * 1000.0 / baud;
// +1 ms margin for the startbit +1 ms for pending processing time
return round(txTime);
#if defined HAS_IF482 || defined HAS_DCF77
#if defined HAS_DCF77 && defined HAS_IF482
#error You must define at most one of IF482 or DCF77!
void clock_init(void) {
// setup clock output interface
#ifdef HAS_IF482
#elif defined HAS_DCF77
pinMode(HAS_DCF77, OUTPUT);
userUTCTime = now();
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(clock_loop, // task function
"clockloop", // name of task
2048, // stack size of task
(void *)&userUTCTime, // start time as task parameter
4, // priority of the task
&ClockTask, // task handle
1); // CPU core
assert(ClockTask); // has clock task started?
} // clock_init
void clock_loop(void *taskparameter) { // ClockTask
// caveat: don't use now() in this task, it will cause a race condition
// due to concurrent access to i2c bus for setting rtc via SyncProvider!
#define nextmin(t) (t + DCF77_FRAME_SIZE + 1) // next minute
uint32_t printtime;
time_t t = *((time_t *)taskparameter); // UTC time seconds
// preload first DCF frame before start
#ifdef HAS_DCF77
uint8_t *DCFpulse; // pointer on array with DCF pulse bits
DCFpulse = DCF77_Frame(nextmin(t));
// output the next second's pulse after timepulse arrived
for (;;) {
xTaskNotifyWait(0x00, ULONG_MAX, &printtime,
portMAX_DELAY); // wait for timepulse
// no confident time -> we suppress clock output
if (timeStatus() == timeNotSet)
t = time_t(printtime); // UTC time seconds
#if defined HAS_IF482
#elif defined HAS_DCF77
if (second(t) == DCF77_FRAME_SIZE - 1) // is it time to load new frame?
DCFpulse = DCF77_Frame(nextmin(t)); // generate frame for next minute
if (minute(nextmin(t)) == // do we still have a recent frame?
DCFpulse[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE]) // (timepulses could be missed!)
DCF77_Pulse(t, DCFpulse); // then output current second's pulse
continue; // no recent frame -> we suppress clock output
} // for
} // clock_loop()
#endif // HAS_IF482 || defined HAS_DCF77