HouzuoGuo 66d9ef0f4d Enrich the debug-level log message with reading of timestamp at program
compilation as well as GPS time reading when the board time fails to
sync with GPS.

This helps user to debug time synchronisation failure stemmed from
a mismatch of developer's time zone and board's time zone.
2021-01-10 11:51:00 +02:00

324 lines
10 KiB

#include "timekeeper.h"
#if !(HAS_LORA)
#error TIME_SYNC_LORASERVER defined, but device has no LORA configured
#error TIME_SYNC_LORAWAN defined, but device has no LORA configured
// Local logging tag
static const char TAG[] = __FILE__;
// symbol to display current time source
const char timeSetSymbols[] = {'G', 'R', 'L', '?'};
#ifdef HAS_IF482
#if (HAS_SDS011)
#error cannot use IF482 together with SDS011 (both use UART#2)
HardwareSerial IF482(2); // use UART #2 (#1 may be in use for serial GPS)
Ticker timesyncer;
void setTimeSyncIRQ() { xTaskNotify(irqHandlerTask, TIMESYNC_IRQ, eSetBits); }
void calibrateTime(void) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%0.3f] calibrateTime, timeSource == %d", millis() / 1000.0,
time_t t = 0;
uint16_t t_msec = 0;
// kick off asychronous lora timesync if we have
// if no LORA timesource is available, or if we lost time, then fallback to
// local time source RTS or GPS
(timeSource == _unsynced)) {
// has RTC -> fallback to RTC time
#ifdef HAS_RTC
t = get_rtctime();
// set time from RTC - method will check if time is valid
setMyTime((uint32_t)t, t_msec, _rtc);
// no RTC -> fallback to GPS time
#if (HAS_GPS)
t = get_gpstime(&t_msec);
// set time from GPS - method will check if time is valid
setMyTime((uint32_t)t, t_msec, _gps);
} // fallback
// no fallback time source available -> we can't set time
} // calibrateTime()
// adjust system time, calibrate RTC and RTC_INT pps
void IRAM_ATTR setMyTime(uint32_t t_sec, uint16_t t_msec,
timesource_t mytimesource) {
// called with invalid timesource?
if (mytimesource == _unsynced)
// increment t_sec only if t_msec > 1000
time_t time_to_set = (time_t)(t_sec + t_msec / 1000);
// do we have a valid time?
if (timeIsValid(time_to_set)) {
// if we have msec fraction, then wait until top of second with
// millisecond precision
if (t_msec % 1000) {
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000 - t_msec % 1000));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%0.3f] UTC time: %d.%03d sec", _seconds(),
time_to_set, t_msec % 1000);
// if we have got an external timesource, set RTC time and shift RTC_INT pulse
// to top of second
#ifdef HAS_RTC
if ((mytimesource == _gps) || (mytimesource == _lora))
// if we have a software pps timer, shift it to top of second
#if (!defined GPS_INT && !defined RTC_INT)
timerWrite(ppsIRQ, 0); // reset pps timer
CLOCKIRQ(); // fire clock pps, this advances time 1 sec
setTime(time_to_set); // set the time on top of second
timeSource = mytimesource; // set global variable
timesyncer.attach(TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL * 60, setTimeSyncIRQ);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%0.3f] Timesync finished, time was set | source: %c",
_seconds(), timeSetSymbols[mytimesource]);
} else {
timesyncer.attach(TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL_RETRY * 60, setTimeSyncIRQ);
time_t unix_sec_at_compilation = compiledUTC();
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%0.3f] Failed to synchronise time from source %c | unix sec obtained from source: %d | unix sec at program compilation: %d",
_seconds(), timeSetSymbols[mytimesource], time_to_set, unix_sec_at_compilation);
// helper function to setup a pulse per second for time synchronisation
uint8_t timepulse_init() {
// use time pulse from GPS as time base with fixed 1Hz frequency
#ifdef GPS_INT
// setup external interupt pin for rising edge GPS INT
// setup external rtc 1Hz clock as pulse per second clock
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: external (GPS)");
return 1; // success
// use pulse from on board RTC chip as time base with fixed frequency
#elif defined RTC_INT
// setup external interupt pin for falling edge RTC INT
// setup external rtc 1Hz clock as pulse per second clock
if (I2C_MUTEX_LOCK()) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: external (RTC)");
return 1; // success
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "RTC initialization error, I2C bus busy");
return 0; // failure
return 1; // success
// use ESP32 hardware timer as time base with adjustable frequency
ppsIRQ = timerBegin(1, 8000, true); // set 80 MHz prescaler to 1/10000 sec
timerAlarmWrite(ppsIRQ, 10000, true); // 1000ms
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timepulse: internal (ESP32 hardware timer)");
return 1; // success
} // timepulse_init
void timepulse_start(void) {
#ifdef GPS_INT // start external clock gps pps line
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(GPS_INT), CLOCKIRQ, RISING);
#elif defined RTC_INT // start external clock rtc
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RTC_INT), CLOCKIRQ, FALLING);
#else // start internal clock esp32 hardware timer
timerAttachInterrupt(ppsIRQ, &CLOCKIRQ, true);
// start cyclic time sync
setTimeSyncIRQ(); // init systime by RTC or GPS or LORA
timesyncer.attach(TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL * 60, setTimeSyncIRQ);
// interrupt service routine triggered by either pps or esp32 hardware timer
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
SyncToPPS(); // advance systime, see microTime.h
// advance wall clock, if we have
#if (defined HAS_IF482 || defined HAS_DCF77)
xTaskNotifyFromISR(ClockTask, uint32_t(now()), eSetBits,
// flip time pulse ticker, if needed
#if (defined GPS_INT || defined RTC_INT)
TimePulseTick = !TimePulseTick; // flip pulse ticker
// yield only if we should
if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
// helper function to check plausibility of a time
time_t timeIsValid(time_t const t) {
// is it a time in the past? we use compile date to guess
return (t >= compiledUTC() ? t : 0);
// helper function to convert compile time to UTC time
time_t compiledUTC(void) {
static time_t t = myTZ.toUTC(RtcDateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__).Epoch32Time());
return t;
// helper function to calculate serial transmit time
TickType_t tx_Ticks(uint32_t framesize, unsigned long baud, uint32_t config,
int8_t rxPin, int8_t txPins) {
uint32_t databits = ((config & 0x0c) >> 2) + 5;
uint32_t stopbits = ((config & 0x20) >> 5) + 1;
uint32_t txTime = (databits + stopbits + 1) * framesize * 1000.0 / baud;
// +1 for the startbit
return round(txTime);
#if (defined HAS_IF482 || defined HAS_DCF77)
#if (defined HAS_DCF77 && defined HAS_IF482)
#error You must define at most one of IF482 or DCF77!
void clock_init(void) {
// setup clock output interface
#ifdef HAS_IF482
#elif defined HAS_DCF77
pinMode(HAS_DCF77, OUTPUT);
time_t userUTCTime = now();
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(clock_loop, // task function
"clockloop", // name of task
2048, // stack size of task
(void *)&userUTCTime, // start time as task parameter
4, // priority of the task
&ClockTask, // task handle
1); // CPU core
_ASSERT(ClockTask != NULL); // has clock task started?
} // clock_init
void clock_loop(void *taskparameter) { // ClockTask
// caveat: don't use now() in this task, it will cause a race condition
// due to concurrent access to i2c bus when reading/writing from/to rtc chip!
#define nextmin(t) (t + DCF77_FRAME_SIZE + 1) // next minute
#ifdef HAS_TWO_LED
static bool led1_state = false;
uint32_t printtime;
time_t t = *((time_t *)taskparameter), last_printtime = 0; // UTC time seconds
#ifdef HAS_DCF77
uint8_t *DCFpulse; // pointer on array with DCF pulse bits
DCFpulse = DCF77_Frame(nextmin(t)); // load first DCF frame before start
#elif defined HAS_IF482
static TickType_t txDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000 - IF482_SYNC_FIXUP) -
tx_Ticks(IF482_FRAME_SIZE, HAS_IF482);
// output the next second's pulse/telegram after pps arrived
for (;;) {
// wait for timepulse and store UTC time in seconds got
xTaskNotifyWait(0x00, ULONG_MAX, &printtime, portMAX_DELAY);
t = time_t(printtime);
// no confident or no recent time -> suppress clock output
if ((timeStatus() == timeNotSet) || !(timeIsValid(t)) ||
(t == last_printtime))
#if defined HAS_IF482
// wait until moment to fire. Normally we won't get notified during this
// timespan, except when next pps pulse arrives while waiting, because pps
// was adjusted by recent time sync
if (xTaskNotifyWait(0x00, ULONG_MAX, &printtime, txDelay) == pdTRUE)
t = time_t(printtime); // new adjusted UTC time seconds
// send IF482 telegram
IF482.print(IF482_Frame(t + 1)); // note: telegram is for *next* second
#elif defined HAS_DCF77
if (second(t) == DCF77_FRAME_SIZE - 1) // is it time to load new frame?
DCFpulse = DCF77_Frame(nextmin(t)); // generate frame for next minute
if (minute(nextmin(t)) == // do we still have a recent frame?
DCFpulse[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE]) // (timepulses could be missed!)
DCF77_Pulse(t, DCFpulse); // then output current second's pulse
// else we have no recent frame, thus suppressing clock output
// pps blink on secondary LED if we have one
#ifdef HAS_TWO_LED
if (led1_state)
led1_state = !led1_state;
last_printtime = t;
} // for
} // clock_loop()
#endif // HAS_IF482 || defined HAS_DCF77