185 lines
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#if (HAS_GPS)
#include "globals.h"
#include "gpsread.h"
// Local logging tag
static const char TAG[] = __FILE__;
// we use NMEA ZDA sentence field 1 for time synchronization
// ZDA gives time for preceding pps pulse
// downsight is that it does not have a constant offset
// thus precision is only +/- 1 second
TinyGPSPlus gps;
TinyGPSCustom gpstime(gps, "GPZDA", 1); // field 1 = UTC time (hhmmss.ss)
TinyGPSCustom gpsday(gps, "GPZDA", 2); // field 2 = day (01..31)
TinyGPSCustom gpsmonth(gps, "GPZDA", 3); // field 3 = month (01..12)
TinyGPSCustom gpsyear(gps, "GPZDA", 4); // field 4 = year (4-digit)
static const String ZDA_Request = "$EIGPQ,ZDA*39\r\n";
TaskHandle_t GpsTask;
HardwareSerial GPS_Serial(1); // use UART #1
static uint16_t nmea_txDelay_ms =
static uint16_t nmea_txDelay_ms = 0;
// initialize and configure GPS
int gps_init(void) {
if (!gps_config()) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "GPS chip initializiation error");
return 0;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening serial GPS");
#elif defined GPS_I2C
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening I2C GPS");
Wire.begin(GPS_I2C, 400000); // I2C connect to GPS device with 400 KHz
Wire.write(0x00); // dummy write
if (Wire.endTransmission()) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Quectel L76 GPS chip not found");
return 0;
} else
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Quectel L76 GPS chip found");
return 1;
} // gps_init()
// detect gps chipset type and configure it with device specific settings
int gps_config() {
int rslt = 1; // success
#if defined GPS_SERIAL
/* insert user configuration here, if needed */
#elif defined GPS_I2C
/* insert user configuration here, if needed */
return rslt;
// store current GPS location data in struct
void gps_storelocation(gpsStatus_t *gps_store) {
if (gps.location.isUpdated() && gps.location.isValid() &&
(gps.location.age() < 1500)) {
gps_store->latitude = (int32_t)(gps.location.lat() * 1e6);
gps_store->longitude = (int32_t)(gps.location.lng() * 1e6);
gps_store->satellites = (uint8_t)gps.satellites.value();
gps_store->hdop = (uint16_t)gps.hdop.value();
gps_store->altitude = (int16_t)gps.altitude.meters();
bool gps_hasfix() {
// adapted from source:
// https://github.com/hottimuc/Lora-TTNMapper-T-Beam/blob/master/fromV08/gps.cpp
return (gps.location.isValid() && gps.location.age() < 4000 &&
gps.hdop.isValid() && gps.hdop.value() <= 600 &&
gps.hdop.age() < 4000 && gps.altitude.isValid() &&
gps.altitude.age() < 4000);
// function to poll current time from GPS data; note: this is costly
time_t get_gpstime(uint16_t *msec) {
// poll NMEA ZDA sentence
// wait for gps NMEA answer
// vTaskDelay(tx_Ticks(NMEA_FRAME_SIZE, GPS_SERIAL));
#elif defined GPS_I2C
// did we get a current date & time?
if (gpstime.isValid()) {
time_t t = 0;
tmElements_t tm;
uint32_t delay_ms =
gpstime.age() + nmea_txDelay_ms + NMEA_COMPENSATION_FACTOR;
uint32_t zdatime = atof(gpstime.value());
// convert time to maketime format and make time
tm.Second = zdatime % 100; // second
tm.Minute = (zdatime / 100) % 100; // minute
tm.Hour = zdatime / 10000; // hour
tm.Day = atoi(gpsday.value()); // day
tm.Month = atoi(gpsmonth.value()); // month
tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(atoi(gpsyear.value())); // year offset from 1970
t = makeTime(tm);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "GPS time/date = %02d:%02d:%02d / %02d.%02d.%2d", tm.Hour,
tm.Minute, tm.Second, tm.Day, tm.Month, tm.Year + 1970);
// add protocol delay with millisecond precision
t += delay_ms / 1000 - 1; // whole seconds
*msec = delay_ms % 1000; // fractional seconds
return t;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "no valid GPS time");
return 0;
} // get_gpstime()
time_t get_gpstime(void) {
uint16_t msec;
return get_gpstime(&msec);
// GPS serial feed FreeRTos Task
void gps_loop(void *pvParameters) {
_ASSERT((uint32_t)pvParameters == 1); // FreeRTOS check
while (1) {
if (cfg.payloadmask & GPS_DATA) {
// feed GPS decoder with serial NMEA data from GPS device
while (GPS_Serial.available()) {
#elif defined GPS_I2C
Wire.requestFrom(GPS_ADDR, 32); // caution: this is a blocking call
while (Wire.available()) {
delay(2); // 2ms delay according L76 datasheet
// (only) while device time is not set or unsynched, and we have a valid
// GPS time, we trigger a device time update to poll time from GPS
if (timeSource == _unsynced && gpstime.isUpdated()) {
} // if
// show NMEA data in verbose mode, useful only for debugging GPS, very noisy
// ESP_LOGV(TAG, "GPS NMEA data: passed %u / failed: %u / with fix: %u",
// gps.passedChecksum(), gps.failedChecksum(),
// gps.sentencesWithFix());
delay(2); // yield to CPU
} // end of infinite loop
} // gps_loop()
#endif // HAS_GPS