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* Copyright (C) 2017 Robert Bosch. All Rights Reserved.
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* @file bsec_integration.h
* @brief
* Contains BSEC integration API
* @addtogroup bsec_examples BSEC Examples
* @brief BSEC usage examples
* @{*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* header files */
/* Use the following bme680 driver: https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BME680_driver/releases/tag/bme680_v3.5.1 */
#include "bme680.h"
/* BSEC header files are available in the inc/ folder of the release package */
#include "bsec_interface.h"
#include "bsec_datatypes.h"
/* type definitions */
/* function pointer to the system specific sleep function */
typedef void (*sleep_fct)(uint32_t t_ms);
/* function pointer to the system specific timestamp derivation function */
typedef int64_t (*get_timestamp_us_fct)();
/* function pointer to the function processing obtained BSEC outputs */
typedef void (*output_ready_fct)(int64_t timestamp, float iaq, uint8_t iaq_accuracy, float temperature, float humidity,
float pressure, float raw_temperature, float raw_humidity, float gas, bsec_library_return_t bsec_status,
float static_iaq, float co2_equivalent, float breath_voc_equivalent);
/* function pointer to the function loading a previous BSEC state from NVM */
typedef uint32_t (*state_load_fct)(uint8_t *state_buffer, uint32_t n_buffer);
/* function pointer to the function saving BSEC state to NVM */
typedef void (*state_save_fct)(const uint8_t *state_buffer, uint32_t length);
/* function pointer to the function loading the BSEC configuration string from NVM */
typedef uint32_t (*config_load_fct)(uint8_t *state_buffer, uint32_t n_buffer);
/* structure definitions */
/* Structure with the return value from bsec_iot_init() */
typedef struct{
/*! Result of API execution status */
int8_t bme680_status;
/*! Result of BSEC library */
bsec_library_return_t bsec_status;
/* function declarations */
* @brief Initialize the BME680 sensor and the BSEC library
* @param[in] sample_rate mode to be used (either BSEC_SAMPLE_RATE_ULP or BSEC_SAMPLE_RATE_LP)
* @param[in] temperature_offset device-specific temperature offset (due to self-heating)
* @param[in] bus_write pointer to the bus writing function
* @param[in] bus_read pointer to the bus reading function
* @param[in] sleep pointer to the system-specific sleep function
* @param[in] state_load pointer to the system-specific state load function
* @return zero if successful, negative otherwise
return_values_init bsec_iot_init(float sample_rate, float temperature_offset, bme680_com_fptr_t bus_write, bme680_com_fptr_t bus_read,
sleep_fct sleep, state_load_fct state_load, config_load_fct config_load);
* @brief Runs the main (endless) loop that queries sensor settings, applies them, and processes the measured data
* @param[in] sleep pointer to the system-specific sleep function
* @param[in] get_timestamp_us pointer to the system-specific timestamp derivation function
* @param[in] output_ready pointer to the function processing obtained BSEC outputs
* @param[in] state_save pointer to the system-specific state save function
* @param[in] save_intvl interval at which BSEC state should be saved (in samples)
* @return return_values_init struct with the result of the API and the BSEC library
void bsec_iot_loop(sleep_fct sleep, get_timestamp_us_fct get_timestamp_us, output_ready_fct output_ready,
state_save_fct state_save, uint32_t save_intvl);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __BSEC_INTEGRATION_H__ */
/*! @}*/