145 lines
3.8 KiB
145 lines
3.8 KiB
// Emulate a DCF77 radio receiver to control an external clock
// a nice & free logic test program for DCF77 can be found here:
// a DCF77 digital scope for Arduino boards can be found here:
#ifdef HAS_DCF77
#include "dcf77.h"
// Local logging tag
static const char TAG[] = "main";
// array of dcf pulses for one minute
uint8_t DCFpulse[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE + 1];
// triggered by 1 second timepulse to ticker out DCF signal
void DCF_Pulse(time_t t) {
uint8_t sec = second(t);
TickType_t startTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
// induce 10 pulses
for (uint8_t pulse = 0; pulse <= 9; pulse++) {
switch (pulse) {
case 0: // start of second -> start of timeframe for logic signal
if (DCFpulse[sec] != dcf_off)
else // 59th second reached, nothing more to do
case 1: // 100ms after start of second -> end of timeframe for logic 0
if (DCFpulse[sec] == dcf_zero)
case 2: // 200ms after start of second -> end of timeframe for logic 1
case 9: // 900ms after start -> last pulse
} // switch
vTaskDelayUntil(&startTime, pdMS_TO_TICKS(DCF77_PULSE_LENGTH));
} // for
} // DCF_Pulse()
void IRAM_ATTR DCF77_Frame(time_t tt) {
uint8_t Parity;
time_t t = myTZ.toLocal(tt); // convert to local time
// secs 0..19 initialized with zeros
for (int n = 0; n <= 19; n++)
DCFpulse[n] = dcf_zero;
// secs 17..18: adjust for DayLightSaving
DCFpulse[18 - (myTZ.locIsDST(t) ? 1 : 0)] = dcf_one;
// sec 20: must be 1 to indicate time active
DCFpulse[20] = dcf_one;
// ENCODE MINUTE (secs 21..28)
Parity = dec2bcd(minute(t), 21, 27, DCFpulse);
DCFpulse[28] = (Parity & 1) ? dcf_one : dcf_zero;
// ENCODE HOUR (secs 29..35)
Parity = dec2bcd(hour(t), 29, 34, DCFpulse);
DCFpulse[35] = (Parity & 1) ? dcf_one : dcf_zero;
// ENCODE DATE (secs 36..58)
Parity = dec2bcd(day(t), 36, 41, DCFpulse);
Parity += dec2bcd((weekday(t) - 1) ? (weekday(t) - 1) : 7, 42, 44, DCFpulse);
Parity += dec2bcd(month(t), 45, 49, DCFpulse);
Parity += dec2bcd(year(t) - 2000, 50, 57,
DCFpulse); // yes, we have a millenium 3000 bug here ;-)
DCFpulse[58] = (Parity & 1) ? dcf_one : dcf_zero;
// ENCODE TAIL (sec 59)
DCFpulse[59] = dcf_off;
// !! missing code here for leap second !!
// timestamp the frame with minute pointer
DCFpulse[60] = minute(t);
// for debug: print the DCF77 frame buffer
char out[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE + 1];
uint8_t i;
for (i = 0; i < DCF77_FRAME_SIZE; i++) {
out[i] = DCFpulse[i] + '0'; // convert int digit to printable ascii
out[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE] = '\0'; // string termination char
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "DCF minute %d = %s", DCFpulse[DCF77_FRAME_SIZE], out);
// helper function to convert decimal to bcd digit
uint8_t IRAM_ATTR dec2bcd(uint8_t dec, uint8_t startpos, uint8_t endpos,
uint8_t pArray[]) {
uint8_t data = (dec < 10) ? dec : ((dec / 10) << 4) + (dec % 10);
uint8_t parity = 0;
for (uint8_t n = startpos; n <= endpos; n++) {
pArray[n] = (data & 1) ? dcf_one : dcf_zero;
parity += (data & 1);
data >>= 1;
return parity;
// helper function to switch GPIO line with DCF77 signal
void set_DCF77_pin(dcf_pinstate state) {
switch (state) {
case dcf_low:
digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, HIGH);
digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, LOW);
case dcf_high:
digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, LOW);
digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, HIGH);
} // switch
} // DCF77_pulse
#endif // HAS_DCF77