# Integration LoRaWAN ## "The Things Stack Community Edition" aka "The Things Stack V3" To use the ESP32-Paxcounter in The Things Stack Community Edition you need an account to reach the console. Go to: - [The Things Stack Community Edition Console](https://console.cloud.thethings.network/) - choose your region and go to applications - create an application by clicking "**+ Add application**" and give it a id, name, etc. - create a device by clicking "**+ Add end device**" - Select the end device: choose the Brand "**Open Source Community Projects**" and the Model "**ESP32-Paxcounter**", leave Hardware Version to "**Unknown**" and select your **Firmware Version** and **Profile (Region)** - Enter registration data: choose the **frequency plan** (for EU choose the recommended), set the **AppEUI** (Fill with zeros), set the **DeviceEUI** (generate), set the **AppKey** (generate), choose a **device ID** and hit "Register end device" - got to Applications -> "your App ID" -> Payload formatters -> Uplink, choose "**Repository**" and hit "Save changes" The "Repository" payload decoder uses the packed format, explained below. If you want to use MyDevices from Cayenne you should use the Cayenne payload decoder instead. ## TTN Mapper If you want your devices to be feeding the [TTN Mapper](https://ttnmapper.org/), just follow this manual: [https://docs.ttnmapper.org/integration/tts-integration-v3.html](https://docs.ttnmapper.org/integration/tts-integration-v3.html) - different than indicated in the manual you can leave the payload decoder to "Repository" for the ESP32-Paxcounter and you are fine. ## ChirpStack !!! todo