// routines for writing data to an SD-card, if present // use FAT32 formatted card // check whether your card reader supports SPI oder SDMMC and select appropriate // SD low level driver in board hal file // Local logging tag static const char TAG[] = __FILE__; #include "sdcard.h" #ifdef HAS_SDCARD static bool useSDCard; static void openFile(void); File fileSDCard; #if HAS_SDCARD == 1 SPIClass sd_spi; #endif bool sdcard_init(bool create) { // for usage of SD drivers on ESP32 platform see // https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/sdspi_host.html // https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/sdmmc_host.html ESP_LOGI(TAG, "looking for SD-card..."); #if HAS_SDCARD == 1 // use SD SPI host driver digitalWrite(SDCARD_CS, HIGH); sd_spi.begin(SDCARD_SCLK, SDCARD_MISO, SDCARD_MOSI, SDCARD_CS); digitalWrite(SDCARD_CS, LOW); useSDCard = SD.begin(SDCARD_CS, sd_spi); #elif HAS_SDCARD == 2 // use SD MMC host driver // enable internal pullups of sd-data lines gpio_set_pull_mode(gpio_num_t(SDCARD_DATA0), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_set_pull_mode(gpio_num_t(SDCARD_DATA1), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_set_pull_mode(gpio_num_t(SDCARD_DATA2), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); gpio_set_pull_mode(gpio_num_t(SDCARD_DATA3), GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY); useSDCard = SD_MMC.begin(); #endif if (useSDCard) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SD-card found"); openFile(); return true; } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SD-card not found"); return false; } } void sdcard_close(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "closing SD-card"); fileSDCard.flush(); fileSDCard.close(); } void sdcardWriteData(uint16_t noWifi, uint16_t noBle, __attribute__((unused)) uint16_t voltage) { static int counterWrites = 0; char tempBuffer[20 + 1]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tt; gmtime_r(&t, &tt); // make UTC timestamp #if (HAS_SDS011) sdsStatus_t sds; #endif if (!useSDCard) return; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SD: writing data"); strftime(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), "%FT%TZ", &tt); fileSDCard.print(tempBuffer); snprintf(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), ",%d,%d", noWifi, noBle); fileSDCard.print(tempBuffer); #if (defined BAT_MEASURE_ADC || defined HAS_PMU) snprintf(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), ",%d", voltage); fileSDCard.print(tempBuffer); #endif #if (HAS_SDS011) sds011_store(&sds); snprintf(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), ",%5.1f,%4.1f", sds.pm10, sds.pm25); fileSDCard.print(tempBuffer); #endif fileSDCard.println(); if (++counterWrites > 2) { // force writing to SD-card ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SD: flushing data"); fileSDCard.flush(); counterWrites = 0; } } void openFile(void) { char bufferFilename[30]; useSDCard = false; snprintf(bufferFilename, sizeof(bufferFilename), "/%s.csv", SDCARD_FILE_NAME); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SD: looking for file <%s>", bufferFilename); #if HAS_SDCARD == 1 bool fileExists = SD.exists(bufferFilename); #elif HAS_SDCARD == 2 bool fileExists = SD_MMC.exists(bufferFilename); #endif // file not exists, create it if (!fileExists) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "SD: file not found, creating..."); #if HAS_SDCARD == 1 fileSDCard = SD.open(bufferFilename, FILE_WRITE); #elif HAS_SDCARD == 2 fileSDCard = SD_MMC.open(bufferFilename, FILE_WRITE); #endif if (fileSDCard) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "SD: name opened: <%s>", bufferFilename); fileSDCard.print(SDCARD_FILE_HEADER); #if (defined BAT_MEASURE_ADC || defined HAS_PMU) fileSDCard.print(SDCARD_FILE_HEADER_VOLTAGE); // for battery level data #endif #if (HAS_SDS011) fileSDCard.print(SDCARD_FILE_HEADER_SDS011); #endif fileSDCard.println(); useSDCard = true; } } // file exists, append data else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "SD: file found, opening..."); #if HAS_SDCARD == 1 fileSDCard = SD.open(bufferFilename, FILE_APPEND); #elif HAS_SDCARD == 2 fileSDCard = SD_MMC.open(bufferFilename, FILE_APPEND); #endif if (fileSDCard) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "SD: name opened: <%s>", bufferFilename); useSDCard = true; } } return; } #endif // (HAS_SDCARD)