# build.py # pre-build script, setting up build environment and fetch hal file for user's board import sys import os import os.path import requests from os.path import basename from platformio import util from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser # get platformio environment variables env = DefaultEnvironment() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read("platformio.ini") # get platformio source path srcdir = env.get("PROJECTSRC_DIR") # get hal path haldir = os.path.join (srcdir, "hal") # check if hal file is present in source directory halconfig = config.get("board", "halfile") halconfigfile = os.path.join (haldir, halconfig) if os.path.isfile(halconfigfile) and os.access(halconfigfile, os.R_OK): print("Parsing hardware configuration from " + halconfigfile) else: sys.exit("Missing file " + halconfigfile + ", please create it! Aborting.") # check if lmic config file is present in source directory lmicconfig = config.get("common", "lmicconfigfile") lmicconfigfile = os.path.join (srcdir, lmicconfig) if os.path.isfile(lmicconfigfile) and os.access(lmicconfigfile, os.R_OK): print("Parsing LMIC configuration from " + lmicconfigfile) else: sys.exit("Missing file " + lmicconfigfile + ", please create it! Aborting.") # check if lora key file is present in source directory lorakeyfile = os.path.join (srcdir, config.get("common", "lorakeyfile")) if os.path.isfile(lorakeyfile) and os.access(lorakeyfile, os.R_OK): print("Parsing LORAWAN keys from " + lorakeyfile) else: sys.exit("Missing file " + lorakeyfile + ", please create it! Aborting.") # check if ota key file is present in source directory otakeyfile = os.path.join (srcdir, config.get("common", "otakeyfile")) if os.path.isfile(otakeyfile) and os.access(otakeyfile, os.R_OK): print("Parsing OTA keys from " + otakeyfile) else: sys.exit("Missing file " + otakeyfile + ", please create it! Aborting.") # parse hal file mykeys = {} with open(halconfigfile) as myfile: for line in myfile: line2 = line.strip("// ") key, value = line2.partition(" ")[::2] mykeys[key.strip()] = str(value).strip() myboard = mykeys["board"] myuploadspeed = mykeys["upload_speed"] env.Replace(BOARD=myboard) env.Replace(UPLOAD_SPEED=myuploadspeed) # re-set partition table mypartitiontable = config.get("env", "board_build.partitions") board = env.BoardConfig(myboard) board.manifest['build']['partitions'] = mypartitiontable # display target print('\033[94m' + "TARGET BOARD: " + myboard + " @ " + myuploadspeed + "bps" + '\033[0m') print('\033[94m' + "Partition table: " + mypartitiontable + '\033[0m') # parse ota key file with open(otakeyfile) as myfile: for line in myfile: key, value = line.partition("=")[::2] mykeys[key.strip()] = str(value).strip() # get bintray user credentials from ota key file user = mykeys["BINTRAY_USER"] repository = mykeys["BINTRAY_REPO"] apitoken = mykeys["BINTRAY_API_TOKEN"] # get bintray upload parameters from platformio environment version = config.get("common", "release_version") package, dummy = halconfig.partition(".")[::2] # put bintray user credentials to platformio environment env.Replace(BINTRAY_USER=user) env.Replace(BINTRAY_REPO=repository) env.Replace(BINTRAY_API_TOKEN=apitoken) # get runtime credentials and put them to compiler directive env.Append(BUILD_FLAGS=[ u'-DWIFI_SSID=\\"' + mykeys["OTA_WIFI_SSID"] + '\\"', u'-DWIFI_PASS=\\"' + mykeys["OTA_WIFI_PASS"] + '\\"', u'-DOTA_TRIGGER_MAC=\\"' + mykeys["OTA_TRIGGER_MAC"] + '\\"', u'-DBINTRAY_USER=\\"' + mykeys["BINTRAY_USER"] + '\\"', u'-DBINTRAY_REPO=\\"' + mykeys["BINTRAY_REPO"] + '\\"', u'-DBINTRAY_PACKAGE=\\"' + package + '\\"', u'-DARDUINO_LMIC_PROJECT_CONFIG_H=' + lmicconfig, u'-I \"' + srcdir + '\"' ]) # function for pushing new firmware to bintray storage using API def publish_bintray(source, target, env): firmware_path = str(source[0]) firmware_name = basename(firmware_path) url = "/".join([ "https://api.bintray.com", "content", user, repository, package, version, firmware_name ]) print("Uploading {0} to Bintray. Version: {1}".format( firmware_name, version)) print(url) headers = { "Content-type": "application/octet-stream", "X-Bintray-Publish": "1", "X-Bintray-Override": "1" } r = None try: r = requests.put(url, data=open(firmware_path, "rb"), headers=headers, auth=(user,apitoken)) r.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to submit package: %s\n" % ("%s\n%s" % (r.status_code, r.text) if r else str(e))) env.Exit(1) print("The firmware has been successfuly published at Bintray.com!") # put build file name and upload command to platformio environment env.Replace( PROGNAME="firmware_" + package + "_v%s" % version, UPLOADCMD=publish_bintray)