// clang-format off // upload_speed 115200 // board esp32dev #ifndef _GENERIC_H #define _GENERIC_H #include // Hardware related definitions for generic ESP32 boards // generic.h is kitchensink with all available options #define HAS_LORA 1 // comment out if device shall not send data via LoRa or has no LoRa #define HAS_SPI 1 // comment out if device shall not send data via SPI // pin definitions for SPI slave interface #define SPI_MOSI GPIO_NUM_23 #define SPI_MISO GPIO_NUM_19 #define SPI_SCLK GPIO_NUM_18 #define SPI_CS GPIO_NUM_5 // enable only if device has these sensors, otherwise comment these lines // tutorial to connect BME sensor see here: // https://sbamueller.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/paxcounter-mit-umweltsensor/ // // in platformio.ini append // lib_deps = <...> ${common.lib_deps_sensors} // for loading necessary libraries // BME680 sensor on I2C bus #define HAS_BME 1 // Enable BME sensors in general #define HAS_BME680 GPIO_NUM_21, GPIO_NUM_22 // SDA, SCL #define BME680_ADDR BME680_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY // connect SDIO of BME680 to GND // BME280 sensor on I2C bus //#define HAS_BME 1 // Enable BME sensors in general //#define HAS_BME280 GPIO_NUM_21, GPIO_NUM_22 // SDA, SCL //#define BME280_ADDR 0x76 // change to 0x77 depending on your wiring // user defined sensors //#define HAS_SENSORS 1 // comment out if device has user defined sensors #define CFG_sx1276_radio 1 // select LoRa chip //#define CFG_sx1272_radio 1 // select LoRa chip #define BOARD_HAS_PSRAM // use if board has external PSRAM #define DISABLE_BROWNOUT 1 // comment out if you want to keep brownout feature #define HAS_DISPLAY U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C //#define DISPLAY_FLIP 1 // use if display is rotated #define BAT_MEASURE_ADC ADC1_GPIO35_CHANNEL // battery probe GPIO pin -> ADC1_CHANNEL_7 #define BAT_VOLTAGE_DIVIDER 2 // voltage divider 100k/100k on board #define HAS_LED (21) // on board LED #define HAS_BUTTON (39) // on board button #define HAS_RGB_LED (0) // WS2812B RGB LED on GPIO0 // GPS settings #define HAS_GPS 1 // use on board GPS #define GPS_SERIAL 9600, SERIAL_8N1, GPIO_NUM_12, GPIO_NUM_15 // UBlox NEO 6M #define GPS_INT GPIO_NUM_13 // 30ns accurary timepulse, to be external wired on pcb: NEO 6M Pin#3 -> GPIO13 // Pins for I2C interface of OLED Display #define MY_OLED_SDA (4) #define MY_OLED_SCL (15) #define MY_OLED_RST (16) // Settings for on board DS3231 RTC chip #define HAS_RTC MY_OLED_SDA, MY_OLED_SCL // SDA, SCL #define RTC_INT GPIO_NUM_34 // timepulse with accuracy +/- 2*e-6 [microseconds] = 0,1728sec / day // Settings for IF482 interface //#define HAS_IF482 9600, SERIAL_7E1, GPIO_NUM_12, GPIO_NUM_14 // IF482 serial port parameters // Settings for DCF77 interface //#define HAS_DCF77 GPIO_NUM_1 //#define DCF77_ACTIVE_LOW 1 // Pins for LORA chip SPI interface, reset line and interrupt lines #define LORA_SCK (5) #define LORA_CS (18) #define LORA_MISO (19) #define LORA_MOSI (27) #define LORA_RST (14) #define LORA_IRQ (26) #define LORA_IO1 (33) #define LORA_IO2 LMIC_UNUSED_PIN // I2C config for Microchip 24AA02E64 DEVEUI unique address #define MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS 0x50 // I2C address for the 24AA02E64 #define MCP_24AA02E64_MAC_ADDRESS 0xF8 // Memory adress of unique deveui 64 bits #endif