// Decoder for device payload encoder "PACKED" // copy&paste to TTN Console -> Applications -> PayloadFormat -> Decoder function Decoder(bytes, port) { var decoded = {}; if (bytes.length === 0) { return {}; } if (port === 1) { // only wifi counter data, no gps if (bytes.length === 2) { return decode(bytes, [uint16], ['wifi']); } // wifi + ble counter data, no gps if (bytes.length === 4) { return decode(bytes, [uint16, uint16], ['wifi', 'ble']); } // combined wifi counter and gps data, used by https://opensensemap.org if (bytes.length === 10) { return decode(bytes, [latLng, latLng, uint16], ['latitude', 'longitude', 'wifi']); } // combined wifi + ble counter and gps data, used by https://opensensemap.org if (bytes.length === 12) { return decode(bytes, [latLng, latLng, uint16, uint16], ['latitude', 'longitude', 'wifi', 'ble']); } // combined wifi counter and gps data if (bytes.length === 15) { return decode(bytes, [uint16, latLng, latLng, uint8, hdop, altitude], ['wifi', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'sats', 'hdop', 'altitude']); } // combined wifi + ble counter and gps data if (bytes.length === 17) { return decode(bytes, [uint16, uint16, latLng, latLng, uint8, hdop, altitude], ['wifi', 'ble', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'sats', 'hdop', 'altitude']); } } if (port === 2) { // device status data if (bytes.length === 20) { return decode(bytes, [uint16, uptime, uint8, uint32, uint8, uint32], ['voltage', 'uptime', 'cputemp', 'memory', 'reset0', 'restarts']); } } if (port === 3) { // device config data return decode(bytes, [uint8, uint8, int16, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8, bitmap1, bitmap2, version], ['loradr', 'txpower', 'rssilimit', 'sendcycle', 'wifichancycle', 'blescantime', 'rgblum', 'flags', 'payloadmask', 'version']); } if (port === 4) { // gps data if (bytes.length === 8) { return decode(bytes, [latLng, latLng], ['latitude', 'longitude']); } else { return decode(bytes, [latLng, latLng, uint8, hdop, altitude], ['latitude', 'longitude', 'sats', 'hdop', 'altitude']); } } if (port === 5) { // button pressed return decode(bytes, [uint8], ['button']); } if (port === 7) { // BME680 sensor data return decode(bytes, [float, pressure, ufloat, ufloat], ['temperature', 'pressure', 'humidity', 'air']); } if (port === 8) { // battery voltage return decode(bytes, [uint16], ['voltage']); } if (port === 9) { // timesync request if (bytes.length === 1) { decoded.timesync_seqno = bytes[0]; return decoded; } // epoch time answer if (bytes.length === 5) { return decode(bytes, [uint32, uint8], ['time', 'timestatus']); } } if (port === 10) { // ENS count return decode(bytes, [uint16], ['ens']); } } // ----- contents of /src/decoder.js -------------------------------------------- // https://github.com/thesolarnomad/lora-serialization/blob/master/src/decoder.js var bytesToInt = function (bytes) { var i = 0; for (var x = 0; x < bytes.length; x++) { i |= (bytes[x] << (x * 8)); } return i; }; var version = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== version.BYTES) { throw new Error('version must have exactly 10 bytes'); } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes).split('\u0000')[0]; }; version.BYTES = 10; var uint8 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== uint8.BYTES) { throw new Error('uint8 must have exactly 1 byte'); } return bytesToInt(bytes); }; uint8.BYTES = 1; var uint16 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== uint16.BYTES) { throw new Error('uint16 must have exactly 2 bytes'); } return bytesToInt(bytes); }; uint16.BYTES = 2; var uint32 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== uint32.BYTES) { throw new Error('uint32 must have exactly 4 bytes'); } return bytesToInt(bytes); }; uint32.BYTES = 4; var uint64 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== uint64.BYTES) { throw new Error('uint64 must have exactly 8 bytes'); } return bytesToInt(bytes); }; uint64.BYTES = 8; var int8 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== int8.BYTES) { throw new Error('int8 must have exactly 1 byte'); } var value = +(bytesToInt(bytes)); if (value > 127) { value -= 256; } return value; }; int8.BYTES = 1; var int16 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== int16.BYTES) { throw new Error('int16 must have exactly 2 bytes'); } var value = +(bytesToInt(bytes)); if (value > 32767) { value -= 65536; } return value; }; int16.BYTES = 2; var int32 = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== int32.BYTES) { throw new Error('int32 must have exactly 4 bytes'); } var value = +(bytesToInt(bytes)); if (value > 2147483647) { value -= 4294967296; } return value; }; int32.BYTES = 4; var latLng = function (bytes) { return +(int32(bytes) / 1e6).toFixed(6); }; latLng.BYTES = int32.BYTES; var uptime = function (bytes) { return uint64(bytes); }; uptime.BYTES = uint64.BYTES; var hdop = function (bytes) { return +(uint16(bytes) / 100).toFixed(2); }; hdop.BYTES = uint16.BYTES; var altitude = function (bytes) { // Option to increase altitude resolution (also on encoder side) // return +(int16(bytes) / 4 - 1000).toFixed(1); return +(int16(bytes)); }; altitude.BYTES = int16.BYTES; var float = function (bytes) { if (bytes.length !== float.BYTES) { throw new Error('Float must have exactly 2 bytes'); } var isNegative = bytes[0] & 0x80; var b = ('00000000' + Number(bytes[0]).toString(2)).slice(-8) + ('00000000' + Number(bytes[1]).toString(2)).slice(-8); if (isNegative) { var arr = b.split('').map(function (x) { return !Number(x); }); for (var i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { arr[i] = !arr[i]; if (arr[i]) { break; } } b = arr.map(Number).join(''); } var t = parseInt(b, 2); if (isNegative) { t = -t; } return +(t / 100).toFixed(2); }; float.BYTES = 2; var ufloat = function (bytes) { return +(uint16(bytes) / 100).toFixed(2); }; ufloat.BYTES = uint16.BYTES; var pressure = function (bytes) { return +(uint16(bytes) / 10).toFixed(1); }; pressure.BYTES = uint16.BYTES; var bitmap1 = function (byte) { if (byte.length !== bitmap1.BYTES) { throw new Error('Bitmap must have exactly 1 byte'); } var i = bytesToInt(byte); var bm = ('00000000' + Number(i).toString(2)).substr(-8).split('').map(Number).map(Boolean); return ['adr', 'screensaver', 'screen', 'countermode', 'blescan', 'antenna', 'reserved', 'reserved'] .reduce(function (obj, pos, index) { obj[pos] = +bm[index]; return obj; }, {}); }; bitmap1.BYTES = 1; var bitmap2 = function (byte) { if (byte.length !== bitmap2.BYTES) { throw new Error('Bitmap must have exactly 1 byte'); } var i = bytesToInt(byte); var bm = ('00000000' + Number(i).toString(2)).substr(-8).split('').map(Number).map(Boolean); return ['battery', 'sensor3', 'sensor2', 'sensor1', 'gps', 'bme', 'reserved', 'counter'] .reduce(function (obj, pos, index) { obj[pos] = +bm[index]; return obj; }, {}); }; bitmap2.BYTES = 1; var decode = function (bytes, mask, names) { var maskLength = mask.reduce(function (prev, cur) { return prev + cur.BYTES; }, 0); if (bytes.length < maskLength) { throw new Error('Mask length is ' + maskLength + ' whereas input is ' + bytes.length); } names = names || []; var offset = 0; return mask .map(function (decodeFn) { var current = bytes.slice(offset, offset += decodeFn.BYTES); return decodeFn(current); }) .reduce(function (prev, cur, idx) { prev[names[idx] || idx] = cur; return prev; }, {}); }; if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = { uint8: uint8, uint16: uint16, uint32: uint32, int8: int8, int16: int16, int32: int32, uptime: uptime, float: float, ufloat: ufloat, pressure: pressure, latLng: latLng, hdop: hdop, altitude: altitude, bitmap1: bitmap1, bitmap2: bitmap2, version: version, decode: decode }; }