#ifdef HAS_GPS #include "globals.h" // Local logging tag static const char TAG[] = "main"; TinyGPSPlus gps; gpsStatus_t gps_status; // read GPS data and cast to global struct void gps_read() { gps_status.latitude = (int32_t)(gps.location.lat() * 1e6); gps_status.longitude = (int32_t)(gps.location.lng() * 1e6); gps_status.satellites = (uint8_t)gps.satellites.value(); gps_status.hdop = (uint16_t)gps.hdop.value(); gps_status.altitude = (int16_t)gps.altitude.meters(); } // GPS serial feed FreeRTos Task void gps_loop(void *pvParameters) { configASSERT(((uint32_t)pvParameters) == 1); // FreeRTOS check // initialize and, if needed, configure, GPS #if defined GPS_SERIAL HardwareSerial GPS_Serial(1); #elif defined GPS_QUECTEL_L76 Wire.begin(GPS_QUECTEL_L76, 400000); // I2C connect to GPS device with 400 KHz #endif while (1) { if (cfg.gpsmode) { #if defined GPS_SERIAL // serial connect to GPS device GPS_Serial.begin(GPS_SERIAL); while (cfg.gpsmode) { // feed GPS decoder with serial NMEA data from GPS device while (GPS_Serial.available()) { gps.encode(GPS_Serial.read()); } vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // reset watchdog } // after GPS function was disabled, close connect to GPS device GPS_Serial.end(); #elif defined GPS_QUECTEL_L76 Wire.beginTransmission(GPS_ADDR); Wire.write(0x00); // dummy write to start read Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.beginTransmission(GPS_ADDR); while (cfg.gpsmode) { Wire.requestFrom(GPS_ADDR | 0x01, 32); while (Wire.available()) { gps.encode(Wire.read()); vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // polling mode: 500ms sleep } } // after GPS function was disabled, close connect to GPS device Wire.endTransmission(); #endif // GPS Type } vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // reset watchdog } // end of infinite loop } // gps_loop() #endif // HAS_GPS