#ifndef _DISPLAY_H #define _DISPLAY_H #include "cyclic.h" #include "qrcode.h" #if (COUNT_ENS) #include "corona.h" #endif #if (HAS_DISPLAY) == 1 #include <OneBitDisplay.h> #elif (HAS_DISPLAY) == 2 #include <TFT_eSPI.h> #endif #define DISPLAY_PAGES (7) // number of paxcounter display pages // settings for OLED display library #if (HAS_DISPLAY) == 1 #define MY_FONT_SMALL FONT_SMALL #define MY_FONT_NORMAL FONT_NORMAL #define MY_FONT_LARGE FONT_LARGE #define MY_FONT_STRETCHED FONT_STRETCHED #define USE_BACKBUFFER 1 #ifdef MY_DISPLAY_ADDR #define OLED_ADDR MY_DISPLAY_ADDR #else #define OLED_ADDR -1 #endif #ifndef USE_HW_I2C #define USE_HW_I2C 1 #endif #ifndef OLED_FREQUENCY #define OLED_FREQUENCY 400000L #endif // settings for TFT display library #elif (HAS_DISPLAY == 2) #define MY_FONT_SMALL 1 #define MY_FONT_NORMAL 2 #define MY_FONT_LARGE 4 #define MY_FONT_STRETCHED 6 #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_FGCOLOR #define MY_DISPLAY_FGCOLOR TFT_WHITE #endif #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_BGCOLOR #define MY_DISPLAY_BGCOLOR TFT_BLACK #endif #endif // setup display hardware type, default is OLED 128x64 #ifndef OLED_TYPE #define OLED_TYPE OLED_128x64 #endif #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_INVERT #define MY_DISPLAY_INVERT 0 #endif #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_FLIP #define MY_DISPLAY_FLIP 0 #endif #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_WIDTH #define MY_DISPLAY_WIDTH 128 // Width in pixels of OLED-display, must be 32X #endif #ifndef MY_DISPLAY_HEIGHT #define MY_DISPLAY_HEIGHT 64 // Height in pixels of OLED-display, must be 64X #endif // settings for qr code generator #define QR_VERSION 3 // 29 x 29px const uint8_t QR_SCALEFACTOR = (MY_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 4) / 29; // 4px borderlines extern uint8_t DisplayIsOn, displaybuf[]; void dp_setup(int contrast = 0); void dp_refresh(bool nextPage = false); void dp_init(bool verbose = false); void dp_shutdown(void); void dp_drawPage(time_t t, bool nextpage); void dp_println(int lines = 1); void dp_printf(const char *format, ...); void dp_setFont(int font, int inv = 0); void dp_dump(uint8_t *pBuffer); void dp_setTextCursor(int col, int row); void dp_contrast(uint8_t contrast); void dp_clear(void); void dp_power(uint8_t screenon); void dp_printqr(uint16_t offset_x, uint16_t offset_y, const char *Message); void dp_fillRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t bRender); void dp_scrollHorizontal(uint8_t *buf, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, bool left = true); void dp_scrollVertical(uint8_t *buf, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, int offset = 0); int dp_drawPixel(uint8_t *buf, const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y, const uint8_t dot); void dp_plotCurve(uint16_t count, bool reset); void dp_rescaleBuffer(uint8_t *buf, const int factor); #endif