/* // Emulate a DCF77 radio receiver to control an external clock // // a nice & free logic test program for DCF77 can be found here: https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/viewzip.cgi/hs/Funkuhr.zip/ // // a DCF77 digital scope for Arduino boards can be found here: https://github.com/udoklein/dcf77 // */ #ifdef HAS_DCF77 #include "dcf77.h" // Local logging tag static const char TAG[] = __FILE__; // triggered by second timepulse to ticker out DCF signal void DCF77_Pulse(uint8_t bit) { TickType_t startTime; // induce a DCF Pulse for (uint8_t pulseLength = 0; pulseLength <= 2; pulseLength++) { startTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); // reference time pulse start switch (pulseLength) { case 0: // 0ms = start of pulse digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, dcf_low); break; case 1: // 100ms = logic 0 if (bit == 0) digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, dcf_high); break; case 2: // 200ms = logic 1 digitalWrite(HAS_DCF77, dcf_high); break; } // switch // delay to genrate pulseLength vTaskDelayUntil(&startTime, pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); } // for } // DCF77_Pulse() // helper function to convert decimal to bcd digit uint64_t dec2bcd(uint8_t const dec, uint8_t const startpos, uint8_t const endpos, uint8_t *parity) { uint8_t data = dec < 10 ? dec : ((dec / 10) << 4) + dec % 10; uint64_t bcd = 0; *parity = 0; for (uint8_t i = startpos; i <= endpos; i++) { bcd += data & 1 ? set_dcfbit(i) : 0; *parity ^= data & 1; data >>= 1; } return bcd; } // generates a 1 minute dcf pulse frame for calendar time t uint64_t DCF77_Frame(const struct tm t) { uint8_t parity = 0, parity_sum = 0; uint64_t frame = 0; // start with all bits 0 // DST CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (16) // -- not implemented -- // DAYLIGHTSAVING (17, 18) // "01" = MEZ / "10" = MESZ frame += t.tm_isdst > 0 ? set_dcfbit(17) : set_dcfbit(18); // LEAP SECOND (19) // -- not implemented -- // BEGIN OF TIME INFORMATION (20) frame += set_dcfbit(20); // MINUTE (21..28) frame += dec2bcd(t.tm_min, 21, 27, &parity); frame += parity ? set_dcfbit(28) : 0; // HOUR (29..35) frame += dec2bcd(t.tm_hour, 29, 34, &parity); frame += parity ? set_dcfbit(35) : 0; // DATE (36..58) frame += dec2bcd(t.tm_mday, 36, 41, &parity); parity_sum ^= parity; frame += dec2bcd((t.tm_wday == 0) ? 7 : t.tm_wday, 42, 44, &parity); parity_sum ^= parity; frame += dec2bcd(t.tm_mon + 1, 45, 49, &parity); parity_sum ^= parity; frame += dec2bcd(t.tm_year + 1900 - 2000, 50, 57, &parity); parity_sum ^= parity; frame += parity_sum ? set_dcfbit(58) : 0; return frame; } // DCF77_Frame() #endif // HAS_DCF77