/* configmanager persists runtime configuration using NVRAM of ESP32*/ #include "globals.h" // Local logging tag static const char TAG[] = "flash"; nvs_handle my_handle; esp_err_t err; #define PAYLOADMASK \ ((GPS_DATA | ALARM_DATA | MEMS_DATA | COUNT_DATA | SENSOR1_DATA | \ SENSOR2_DATA | SENSOR3_DATA) & \ ~BATT_DATA) // populate cfg vars with factory settings void defaultConfig() { cfg.loradr = LORADRDEFAULT; // 0-15, lora datarate, see paxcounter.conf cfg.txpower = LORATXPOWDEFAULT; // 0-15, lora tx power cfg.adrmode = 1; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.screensaver = 0; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.screenon = 1; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.countermode = COUNTERMODE; // 0=cyclic, 1=cumulative, 2=cyclic confirmed cfg.rssilimit = 0; // threshold for rssilimiter, negative value! cfg.sendcycle = SENDCYCLE; // payload send cycle [seconds/2] cfg.wifichancycle = WIFI_CHANNEL_SWITCH_INTERVAL; // wifi channel switch cycle [seconds/100] cfg.blescantime = BLESCANINTERVAL / 10; // BT channel scan cycle [seconds/100], default 1 (= 10ms) cfg.blescan = BLECOUNTER; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.wifiant = 0; // 0=internal, 1=external (for LoPy/LoPy4) cfg.vendorfilter = VENDORFILTER; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.rgblum = RGBLUMINOSITY; // RGB Led luminosity (0..100%) cfg.monitormode = 0; // 0=disabled, 1=enabled cfg.payloadmask = PAYLOADMASK; // all payload switched on cfg.bsecstate[BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE] = { 0}; // init BSEC state for BME680 sensor strncpy(cfg.version, PROGVERSION, sizeof(cfg.version) - 1); } void open_storage() { err = nvs_flash_init(); if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES) { // NVS partition was truncated and needs to be erased // Retry nvs_flash_init ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase()); err = nvs_flash_init(); } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(err); // Open ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Opening NVS"); err = nvs_open("config", NVS_READWRITE, &my_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Error (%d) opening NVS handle", err); else ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Done"); } // erase all keys and values in NVRAM void eraseConfig() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Clearing settings in NVS"); open_storage(); if (err == ESP_OK) { nvs_erase_all(my_handle); nvs_commit(my_handle); nvs_close(my_handle); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Done"); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "NVS erase failed"); } } // save current configuration from RAM to NVRAM void saveConfig() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Storing settings in NVS"); open_storage(); if (err == ESP_OK) { int8_t flash8 = 0; int16_t flash16 = 0; size_t required_size; uint8_t bsecstate_buffer[BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE + 1]; char storedversion[10]; if (nvs_get_blob(my_handle, "bsecstate", bsecstate_buffer, &required_size) != ESP_OK || memcmp(bsecstate_buffer, cfg.bsecstate, BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE + 1) != 0) nvs_set_blob(my_handle, "bsecstate", cfg.bsecstate, BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE + 1); if (nvs_get_str(my_handle, "version", storedversion, &required_size) != ESP_OK || strcmp(storedversion, cfg.version) != 0) nvs_set_str(my_handle, "version", cfg.version); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "loradr", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.loradr) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "loradr", cfg.loradr); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "txpower", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.txpower) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "txpower", cfg.txpower); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "adrmode", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.adrmode) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "adrmode", cfg.adrmode); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "screensaver", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.screensaver) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "screensaver", cfg.screensaver); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "screenon", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.screenon) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "screenon", cfg.screenon); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "countermode", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.countermode) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "countermode", cfg.countermode); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "sendcycle", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.sendcycle) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "sendcycle", cfg.sendcycle); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "wifichancycle", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.wifichancycle) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "wifichancycle", cfg.wifichancycle); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "blescantime", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.blescantime) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "blescantime", cfg.blescantime); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "blescanmode", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.blescan) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "blescanmode", cfg.blescan); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "wifiant", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.wifiant) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "wifiant", cfg.wifiant); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "vendorfilter", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.vendorfilter) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "vendorfilter", cfg.vendorfilter); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "rgblum", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.rgblum) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "rgblum", cfg.rgblum); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "payloadmask", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.payloadmask) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "payloadmask", cfg.payloadmask); if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "monitormode", &flash8) != ESP_OK || flash8 != cfg.monitormode) nvs_set_i8(my_handle, "monitormode", cfg.monitormode); if (nvs_get_i16(my_handle, "rssilimit", &flash16) != ESP_OK || flash16 != cfg.rssilimit) nvs_set_i16(my_handle, "rssilimit", cfg.rssilimit); err = nvs_commit(my_handle); nvs_close(my_handle); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Done"); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "NVS config write failed"); } } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error (%d) opening NVS handle", err); } } // set and save cfg.version void migrateVersion() { snprintf(cfg.version, 10, "%s", PROGVERSION); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "version set to %s", cfg.version); saveConfig(); } // load configuration from NVRAM into RAM and make it current void loadConfig() { defaultConfig(); // start with factory settings ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Reading settings from NVS"); open_storage(); if (err != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error (%d) opening NVS handle, storing defaults", err); saveConfig(); } // saves factory settings to NVRAM else { int8_t flash8 = 0; int16_t flash16 = 0; size_t required_size; // check if configuration stored in NVRAM matches PROGVERSION if (nvs_get_str(my_handle, "version", NULL, &required_size) == ESP_OK) { nvs_get_str(my_handle, "version", cfg.version, &required_size); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "NVRAM settings version = %s", cfg.version); if (strcmp(cfg.version, PROGVERSION)) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "migrating NVRAM settings to new version %s", PROGVERSION); nvs_close(my_handle); migrateVersion(); } } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "new version %s, deleting NVRAM settings", PROGVERSION); nvs_close(my_handle); eraseConfig(); migrateVersion(); } // populate pre set defaults with current values from NVRAM if (nvs_get_blob(my_handle, "bsecstate", NULL, &required_size) == ESP_OK) { nvs_get_blob(my_handle, "bsecstate", cfg.bsecstate, &required_size); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "bsecstate = %d", cfg.bsecstate[BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE]); }; if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "loradr", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.loradr = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "loradr = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "loradr set to default %d", cfg.loradr); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "txpower", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.txpower = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "txpower = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "txpower set to default %d", cfg.txpower); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "adrmode", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.adrmode = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adrmode = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adrmode set to default %d", cfg.adrmode); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "screensaver", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.screensaver = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "screensaver = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "screensaver set to default %d", cfg.screensaver); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "screenon", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.screenon = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "screenon = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "screenon set to default %d", cfg.screenon); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "countermode", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.countermode = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "countermode = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "countermode set to default %d", cfg.countermode); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "sendcycle", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.sendcycle = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "sendcycle = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Payload send cycle set to default %d", cfg.sendcycle); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "wifichancycle", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.wifichancycle = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifichancycle = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WIFI channel cycle set to default %d", cfg.wifichancycle); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "wifiant", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.wifiant = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifiantenna = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WIFI antenna switch set to default %d", cfg.wifiant); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "vendorfilter", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.vendorfilter = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "vendorfilter = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Vendorfilter mode set to default %d", cfg.vendorfilter); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "rgblum", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.rgblum = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "rgbluminosity = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "RGB luminosity set to default %d", cfg.rgblum); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "blescantime", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.blescantime = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "blescantime = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "BLEscantime set to default %d", cfg.blescantime); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "blescanmode", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.blescan = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "BLEscanmode = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "BLEscanmode set to default %d", cfg.blescan); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i16(my_handle, "rssilimit", &flash16) == ESP_OK) { cfg.rssilimit = flash16; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "rssilimit = %d", flash16); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "rssilimit set to default %d", cfg.rssilimit); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "payloadmask", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.payloadmask = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "payloadmask = %hhu", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "payloadmask set to default %hhu", cfg.payloadmask); saveConfig(); } if (nvs_get_i8(my_handle, "monitormode", &flash8) == ESP_OK) { cfg.monitormode = flash8; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Monitor mode = %d", flash8); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Monitor mode set to default %d", cfg.monitormode); saveConfig(); } nvs_close(my_handle); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Done"); } } // loadConfig()