# Payload format You can select different payload formats in [`paxcounter.conf`](https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter/blob/master/src/paxcounter_orig.conf): - ***Plain*** uses big endian format and generates json fields, e.g. useful for TTN console - ***Packed*** uses little endian format and generates json fields - [***CayenneLPP***](https://mydevices.com/cayenne/docs/lora/#lora-cayenne-low-power-payload-reference-implementation) generates MyDevices Cayenne readable fields ```c linenums="20" title="src/paxcounter_orig.conf" --8<-- "src/paxcounter_orig.conf:20:20" ``` !!! danger "Decrepated information from the things network v2" If you're using [TheThingsNetwork](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/) (TTN) you may want to use a payload converter. Go to TTN Console - Application - Payload Formats and paste the code example below in tabs Decoder and Converter. This way your MQTT application can parse the fields `pax`, `ble` and `wifi`. To add your device to myDevices Cayenne platform select "Cayenne-LPP" from Lora device list and use the CayenneLPP payload encoder. To track a paxcounter device with on board GPS and at the same time contribute to TTN coverage mapping, you simply activate the [TTNmapper integration](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/applications/ttnmapper/) in TTN Console. Both formats *plain* and *packed* generate the fields `latitude`, `longitude` and `hdop` required by ttnmapper. Important: set TTN mapper port filter to '4' (paxcounter GPS Port). Hereafter described is the default *plain* format, which uses MSB bit numbering. Under /TTN in this repository you find some ready-to-go decoders which you may copy to your TTN console: [**plain_decoder.js**](https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter/blob/master/src/TTN/plain_decoder.js) | [**plain_converter.js**](https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter/blob/master/src/TTN/plain_converter.js) | [**packed_decoder.js**](https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter/blob/master/src/TTN/packed_decoder.js) | [**packed_converter.js**](https://github.com/cyberman54/ESP32-Paxcounter/blob/master/src/TTN/packed_converter.js) **Port #1:** Paxcount data byte 1-2: Number of unique devices, seen on Wifi [00 00 if Wifi scan disabled] byte 3-4: Number of unique devices, seen on Bluetooth [ommited if BT scan disabled] **Port #2:** Device status query result byte 1-2: Battery or USB Voltage [mV], 0 if no battery probe byte 3-10: Uptime [seconds] byte 11: CPU temperature [°C] bytes 12-15: Free RAM [bytes] byte 16: Last CPU core 0 reset reason bytes 17-20: Number of restarts since last power cycle **Port #3:** Device configuration query result byte 1: Lora DR (0..15, see rcommand 0x05) [default 5] byte 2: Lora TXpower (2..15) [default 15] byte 3: Lora ADR (1=on, 0=off) [default 1] byte 4: Screensaver status (1=on, 0=off) [default 0] byte 5: Display status (1=on, 0=off) [default 0] byte 6: Counter mode (0=cyclic unconfirmed, 1=cumulative, 2=cyclic confirmed) [default 0] bytes 7-8: RSSI limiter threshold value (negative, MSB) [default 0] byte 9: Scan and send cycle in seconds/2 (0..255) [default 120] byte 10: Wifi channel hopping interval in seconds/100 (0..255), 0 means no hopping [default 50] byte 11: Bluetooth channel switch interval in seconds/100 (0..255) [default 10] byte 12: Bluetooth scanner status (1=on, 0=0ff) [default 1] byte 13: Wifi antenna switch (0=internal, 1=external) [default 0] bytes 14-15: Sleep cycle in seconds/10 (MSB) [default 0] byte 16: Payloadmask (Bitmask, 0..255, see rcommand 0x14) byte 17: 0 (reserved) bytes 18-28: Software version (ASCII format, terminating with zero) **Port #4:** GPS data (only if device has fature GPS, and GPS data is enabled and GPS has a fix) bytes 1-4: Latitude bytes 5-8: Longitude byte 9: Number of satellites bytes 10-11: HDOP bytes 12-13: Altitude [meter] **Port #5:** Button pressed alarm byte 1: static value 0x01 **Port #6:** (unused) **Port #7:** Environmental sensor data (only if device has feature BME) bytes 1-2: Temperature [°C] bytes 3-4: Pressure [hPa] bytes 5-6: Humidity [%] bytes 7-8: Indoor air quality index (0..500), see below Indoor air quality classification: 0-50 good 51-100 average 101-150 little bad 151-200 bad 201-300 worse 301-500 very bad **Port #8:** Battery voltage data (only if device has feature BATT) bytes 1-2: Battery or USB Voltage [mV], 0 if no battery probe **Port #9:** Time/Date bytes 1-4: board's local time/date in UNIX epoch (number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds) **Ports #10, #11, #12:** User sensor data Format is specified by user in function `sensor_read(uint8_t sensor)`, see `src/sensor.cpp`.