// Basic Config #if (HAS_LORA) #include "lorawan.h" // Local logging Tag static const char TAG[] = "lora"; #if CLOCK_ERROR_PROCENTAGE > 7 #warning CLOCK_ERROR_PROCENTAGE value in lmic_config.h is too high; values > 7 will cause side effects #endif #if (TIME_SYNC_LORAWAN) #ifndef LMIC_ENABLE_DeviceTimeReq #define LMIC_ENABLE_DeviceTimeReq 1 #endif #endif // variable keep its values after restart or wakeup from sleep RTC_NOINIT_ATTR u4_t RTCnetid, RTCdevaddr; RTC_NOINIT_ATTR u1_t RTCnwkKey[16], RTCartKey[16]; RTC_NOINIT_ATTR int RTCseqnoUp, RTCseqnoDn; QueueHandle_t LoraSendQueue; TaskHandle_t lmicTask = NULL, lorasendTask = NULL; class MyHalConfig_t : public Arduino_LMIC::HalConfiguration_t { public: MyHalConfig_t(){}; // set SPI pins to board configuration, pins may come from pins_arduino.h virtual void begin(void) override { SPI.begin(LORA_SCK, LORA_MISO, LORA_MOSI, LORA_CS); } // virtual void end(void) override // virtual ostime_t setModuleActive(bool state) override }; static MyHalConfig_t myHalConfig{}; // LMIC pin mapping for Hope RFM95 / HPDtek HPD13A transceivers static const lmic_pinmap myPinmap = { .nss = LORA_CS, .rxtx = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN, .rst = LORA_RST == NOT_A_PIN ? LMIC_UNUSED_PIN : LORA_RST, .dio = {LORA_IRQ, LORA_IO1, LORA_IO2 == NOT_A_PIN ? LMIC_UNUSED_PIN : LORA_IO2}, .rxtx_rx_active = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN, .rssi_cal = 10, .spi_freq = 8000000, // 8MHz .pConfig = &myHalConfig}; void lora_setupForNetwork(bool preJoin) { if (preJoin) { #if CFG_LMIC_US_like // in the US, with TTN, it saves join time if we start on subband 1 // (channels 8-15). This will get overridden after the join by // parameters from the network. If working with other networks or in // other regions, this will need to be changed. LMIC_selectSubBand(1); #elif CFG_LMIC_EU_like // settings for TheThingsNetwork // Enable link check validation LMIC_setLinkCheckMode(true); #endif } else { // set data rate adaptation according to saved setting LMIC_setAdrMode(cfg.adrmode); // set data rate and transmit power to stored device values if no ADR if (!cfg.adrmode) LMIC_setDrTxpow(assertDR(cfg.loradr), cfg.txpower); // show current devaddr ESP_LOGI(TAG, "DEVaddr: 0x%08X | Network ID: 0x%06X | Network Type: %d", LMIC.devaddr, LMIC.netid & 0x001FFFFF, LMIC.netid & 0x00E00000); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "RSSI: %d | SNR: %d", LMIC.rssi, LMIC.snr / 4); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Radio parameters: %s | %s | %s", getSfName(updr2rps(LMIC.datarate)), getBwName(updr2rps(LMIC.datarate)), getCrName(updr2rps(LMIC.datarate))); // store LMIC keys and counters in RTC memory LMIC_getSessionKeys(&RTCnetid, &RTCdevaddr, RTCnwkKey, RTCartKey); } } // DevEUI generator using devices's MAC address void gen_lora_deveui(uint8_t *pdeveui) { uint8_t *p = pdeveui, dmac[6]; int i = 0; esp_efuse_mac_get_default(dmac); // deveui is LSB, we reverse it so TTN DEVEUI display // will remain the same as MAC address // MAC is 6 bytes, devEUI 8, set first 2 ones // with an arbitrary value *p++ = 0xFF; *p++ = 0xFE; // Then next 6 bytes are mac address reversed for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { *p++ = dmac[5 - i]; } } /* new version, does it with well formed mac according IEEE spec, but is breaking change // DevEUI generator using devices's MAC address void gen_lora_deveui(uint8_t *pdeveui) { uint8_t *p = pdeveui, dmac[6]; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_efuse_mac_get_default(dmac)); // deveui is LSB, we reverse it so TTN DEVEUI display // will remain the same as MAC address // MAC is 6 bytes, devEUI 8, set middle 2 ones // to an arbitrary value *p++ = dmac[5]; *p++ = dmac[4]; *p++ = dmac[3]; *p++ = 0xfe; *p++ = 0xff; *p++ = dmac[2]; *p++ = dmac[1]; *p++ = dmac[0]; } */ // Function to do a byte swap in a byte array void RevBytes(unsigned char *b, size_t c) { u1_t i; for (i = 0; i < c / 2; i++) { unsigned char t = b[i]; b[i] = b[c - 1 - i]; b[c - 1 - i] = t; } } // LMIC callback functions void os_getDevKey(u1_t *buf) { memcpy(buf, APPKEY, 16); } void os_getArtEui(u1_t *buf) { memcpy(buf, APPEUI, 8); RevBytes(buf, 8); // TTN requires it in LSB First order, so we swap bytes } void os_getDevEui(u1_t *buf) { int i = 0, k = 0; memcpy(buf, DEVEUI, 8); // get fixed DEVEUI from loraconf.h for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { k += buf[i]; } if (k) { RevBytes(buf, 8); // use fixed DEVEUI and swap bytes to LSB format } else { gen_lora_deveui(buf); // generate DEVEUI from device's MAC } // Get MCP 24AA02E64 hardware DEVEUI (override default settings if found) #ifdef MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS get_hard_deveui(buf); RevBytes(buf, 8); // swap bytes to LSB format #endif } void get_hard_deveui(uint8_t *pdeveui) { // read DEVEUI from Microchip 24AA02E64 2Kb serial eeprom if present #ifdef MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS uint8_t i2c_ret; // Init this just in case, no more to 100KHz Wire.begin(SDA, SCL, 100000); Wire.beginTransmission(MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(MCP_24AA02E64_MAC_ADDRESS); i2c_ret = Wire.endTransmission(); // check if device was seen on i2c bus if (i2c_ret == 0) { char deveui[32] = ""; uint8_t data; Wire.beginTransmission(MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(MCP_24AA02E64_MAC_ADDRESS); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(MCP_24AA02E64_I2C_ADDRESS, 8); while (Wire.available()) { data = Wire.read(); sprintf(deveui + strlen(deveui), "%02X ", data); *pdeveui++ = data; } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Serial EEPROM found, read DEVEUI %s", deveui); } else ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Could not read DEVEUI from serial EEPROM"); // Set back to 400KHz to speed up OLED Wire.setClock(400000); #endif // MCP 24AA02E64 } #if (VERBOSE) // Display OTAA keys void showLoraKeys(void) { // LMIC may not have used callback to fill // all EUI buffer so we do it here to a temp // buffer to be able to display them uint8_t buf[32]; os_getDevEui((u1_t *)buf); printKey("DevEUI", buf, 8, true); os_getArtEui((u1_t *)buf); printKey("AppEUI", buf, 8, true); os_getDevKey((u1_t *)buf); printKey("AppKey", buf, 16, false); } #endif // VERBOSE // LMIC send task void lora_send(void *pvParameters) { configASSERT(((uint32_t)pvParameters) == 1); // FreeRTOS check MessageBuffer_t SendBuffer; while (1) { // postpone until we are joined if we are not while (!LMIC.devaddr) { vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(500)); } // fetch next or wait for payload to send from queue if (xQueueReceive(LoraSendQueue, &SendBuffer, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Premature return from xQueueReceive() with no data!"); continue; } // attempt to transmit payload else { switch (LMIC_setTxData2_strict(SendBuffer.MessagePort, SendBuffer.Message, SendBuffer.MessageSize, (cfg.countermode & 0x02))) { case LMIC_ERROR_SUCCESS: // save current Fcnt to RTC RAM RTCseqnoUp = LMIC.seqnoUp; RTCseqnoDn = LMIC.seqnoDn; #if (TIME_SYNC_LORASERVER) // if last packet sent was a timesync request, store TX timestamp if (SendBuffer.MessagePort == TIMEPORT) // store LMIC time when we started transmit of timesync request timesync_storeReq(osticks2ms(os_getTime()), timesync_tx); #endif ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%d byte(s) sent to LORA", SendBuffer.MessageSize); break; case LMIC_ERROR_TX_BUSY: // LMIC already has a tx message pending case LMIC_ERROR_TX_FAILED: // message was not sent // ESP_LOGD(TAG, "LMIC busy, message re-enqueued"); // very noisy vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000 + random(500))); // wait a while lora_enqueuedata(&SendBuffer); // re-enqueue the undelivered message break; case LMIC_ERROR_TX_TOO_LARGE: // message size exceeds LMIC buffer size case LMIC_ERROR_TX_NOT_FEASIBLE: // message too large for current // datarate ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Message too large to send, message not sent and deleted"); // we need some kind of error handling here -> to be done break; default: // other LMIC return code ESP_LOGE(TAG, "LMIC error, message not sent and deleted"); } // switch } delay(2); // yield to CPU } } esp_err_t lora_stack_init(bool do_join) { assert(SEND_QUEUE_SIZE); LoraSendQueue = xQueueCreate(SEND_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(MessageBuffer_t)); if (LoraSendQueue == 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Could not create LORA send queue. Aborting."); return ESP_FAIL; } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "LORA send queue created, size %d Bytes", SEND_QUEUE_SIZE * sizeof(MessageBuffer_t)); // start lorawan stack ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting LMIC..."); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(lmictask, // task function "lmictask", // name of task 4096, // stack size of task (void *)1, // parameter of the task 2, // priority of the task &lmicTask, // task handle 1); // CPU core // Start join procedure if not already joined, // lora_setupForNetwork(true) is called by eventhandler when joined // else continue current session if (do_join) { if (!LMIC_startJoining()) ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Already joined"); } else { LMIC_reset(); LMIC_setSession(RTCnetid, RTCdevaddr, RTCnwkKey, RTCartKey); LMIC.seqnoUp = RTCseqnoUp; LMIC.seqnoDn = RTCseqnoDn; } // start lmic send task xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(lora_send, // task function "lorasendtask", // name of task 3072, // stack size of task (void *)1, // parameter of the task 1, // priority of the task &lorasendTask, // task handle 1); // CPU core return ESP_OK; } void lora_enqueuedata(MessageBuffer_t *message) { // enqueue message in LORA send queue BaseType_t ret = pdFALSE; MessageBuffer_t DummyBuffer; sendprio_t prio = message->MessagePrio; switch (prio) { case prio_high: // clear some space in queue if full, then fallthrough to prio_normal if (uxQueueSpacesAvailable(LoraSendQueue) == 0) { xQueueReceive(LoraSendQueue, &DummyBuffer, (TickType_t)0); ESP_LOGW(TAG, "LORA sendqueue purged, data is lost"); } case prio_normal: ret = xQueueSendToFront(LoraSendQueue, (void *)message, (TickType_t)0); break; case prio_low: default: ret = xQueueSendToBack(LoraSendQueue, (void *)message, (TickType_t)0); break; } if (ret != pdTRUE) { snprintf(lmic_event_msg + 14, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN - 14, "<>"); ESP_LOGW(TAG, "LORA sendqueue is full"); } else { // add Lora send queue length to display snprintf(lmic_event_msg + 14, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN - 14, "%2u", uxQueueMessagesWaiting(LoraSendQueue)); } } void lora_queuereset(void) { xQueueReset(LoraSendQueue); } // LMIC lorawan stack task void lmictask(void *pvParameters) { configASSERT(((uint32_t)pvParameters) == 1); // setup LMIC stack os_init_ex(&myPinmap); // initialize lmic run-time environment // register a callback for downlink messages and lmic events. // We aren't trying to write reentrant code, so pUserData is NULL. // LMIC_reset() doesn't affect callbacks, so we can do this first. LMIC_registerRxMessageCb(myRxCallback, NULL); LMIC_registerEventCb(myEventCallback, NULL); // Reset the MAC state. Session and pending data transfers will be // discarded. LMIC_reset(); // This tells LMIC to make the receive windows bigger, in case your clock is // faster or slower. This causes the transceiver to be earlier switched on, // so consuming more power. You may sharpen (reduce) CLOCK_ERROR_PERCENTAGE // in src/lmic_config.h if you are limited on battery. #ifdef CLOCK_ERROR_PROCENTAGE LMIC_setClockError(CLOCK_ERROR_PROCENTAGE * MAX_CLOCK_ERROR / 1000); #endif while (1) { os_runloop_once(); // execute lmic scheduled jobs and events delay(2); // yield to CPU } } // lmictask // lmic event handler void myEventCallback(void *pUserData, ev_t ev) { // using message descriptors from LMIC library static const char *const evNames[] = {LMIC_EVENT_NAME_TABLE__INIT}; // get current length of lora send queue uint8_t const msgWaiting = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(LoraSendQueue); // get current event message if (ev < sizeof(evNames) / sizeof(evNames[0])) snprintf(lmic_event_msg, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN, "%-16s", evNames[ev] + 3); // +3 to strip "EV_" else snprintf(lmic_event_msg, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN, "LMIC event %-4u ", ev); // process current event message switch (ev) { case EV_TXCOMPLETE: // -> processed in lora_send() break; case EV_RXCOMPLETE: // -> processed in myRxCallback() break; case EV_JOINING: // do the network-specific setup prior to join. lora_setupForNetwork(true); break; case EV_JOINED: // do the after join network-specific setup. lora_setupForNetwork(false); break; case EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE: // replace descriptor from library with more descriptive term snprintf(lmic_event_msg, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN, "%-16s", "JOIN_WAIT"); break; default: break; } // add Lora send queue length to display if (msgWaiting) snprintf(lmic_event_msg + 14, LMIC_EVENTMSG_LEN - 14, "%2u", msgWaiting); // print event ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s", lmic_event_msg); } // event EV_RXCOMPLETE message handler void myRxCallback(void *pUserData, uint8_t port, const uint8_t *pMsg, size_t nMsg) { // display amount of received data if (nMsg) ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received %u byte(s) of payload on port %u", nMsg, port); else if (port) ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received empty message on port %u", port); switch (port) { // decode mac messages if we want to print those #if (VERBOSE) case MACPORT: // decode downlink MAC commands if (LMIC.dataBeg) mac_decode(LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataBeg, true); // decode uplink MAC commands if (LMIC.pendMacLen) mac_decode(LMIC.pendMacData, LMIC.pendMacLen, false); break; // do not fallthrough to default, we are done #endif // rcommand received -> call interpreter case RCMDPORT: rcommand(pMsg, nMsg); // timeserver answer -> call timesync processor #if (TIME_SYNC_LORASERVER) case TIMEPORT: // store LMIC time when we received the timesync answer timesync_storeReq(osticks2ms(os_getTime()), timesync_rx); // get and store gwtime from payload recv_timeserver_ans(pMsg, nMsg); #endif // decode any piggybacked downlink MAC commands if we want to print those default: #if (VERBOSE) if (LMIC.dataBeg > 1) mac_decode(LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataBeg - 1, true); #endif // VERBOSE break; } // switch } /* // event EV_TXCOMPLETE message handler void myTxCallback(void *pUserData, int fSuccess) { uint8_t *const pMsg = (uint8_t *)pUserData; // LMIC did successful transmit data if (fSuccess) { RTCseqnoUp = LMIC.seqnoUp; RTCseqnoDn = LMIC.seqnoDn; } else { // LMIC could not transmit data // -> error handling yet to come } } */ const char *getSfName(rps_t rps) { const char *const t[] = {"FSK", "SF7", "SF8", "SF9", "SF10", "SF11", "SF12", "SF?"}; return t[getSf(rps)]; } const char *getBwName(rps_t rps) { const char *const t[] = {"BW125", "BW250", "BW500", "BW?"}; return t[getBw(rps)]; } const char *getCrName(rps_t rps) { const char *const t[] = {"CR 4/5", "CR 4/6", "CR 4/7", "CR 4/8"}; return t[getCr(rps)]; } /* u1_t os_getBattLevel() { //return values: //MCMD_DEVS_EXT_POWER = 0x00, // external power supply //MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MIN = 0x01, // min battery value //MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MAX = 0xFE, // max battery value //MCMD_DEVS_BATT_NOINFO = 0xFF, // unknown battery level #if (defined HAS_PMU || defined BAT_MEASURE_ADC) uint16_t voltage = read_voltage(); switch (voltage) { case 0: return MCMD_DEVS_BATT_NOINFO; case 0xffff: return MCMD_DEVS_EXT_POWER; default: return (voltage > OTA_MIN_BATT ? MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MAX : MCMD_DEVS_BATT_MIN); } #else // we don't have any info on battery level return MCMD_DEVS_BATT_NOINFO; #endif } // getBattLevel() */ #if (VERBOSE) // decode LORAWAN MAC message void mac_decode(const uint8_t cmd[], const uint8_t cmdlen, bool is_down) { if (!cmdlen) return; uint8_t foundcmd[cmdlen], cursor = 0; // select CID resolve table const mac_t *p; p = is_down ? MACdn_table : MACup_table; const int tablesize = is_down ? MACdn_tSize : MACup_tSize; const String MACdir = is_down ? "DN" : "UP"; while (cursor < cmdlen) { // get number of commands in CID table int i = tablesize; // lookup cmd in CID table while (i--) { if (cmd[cursor] == (p + i)->cid) { // lookup command in CID table cursor++; // strip 1 byte CID if ((cursor + (p + i)->params) <= cmdlen) { memmove(foundcmd, cmd + cursor, (p + i)->params); // strip opcode from cmd array cursor += (p + i)->params; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s MAC command %s", MACdir, (p + i)->cmdname); } else ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s MAC command 0x%02X with missing parameter(s)", MACdir, (p + i)->cid); break; // command found -> exit table lookup loop } // end of command validation } // end of command table lookup loop if (i < 0) { // command not found -> skip it ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s Unknown MAC command 0x%02X", MACdir, cmd[cursor]); cursor++; } } // command parsing loop } // mac_decode() #endif // VERBOSE #endif // HAS_LORA