#ifdef HAS_MATRIX_DISPLAY #include "globals.h" #define NUMCHARS 5 #define MATRIX_DISPLAY_PAGES (2) // number of display pages // local Tag for logging static const char TAG[] = __FILE__; uint8_t MatrixDisplayIsOn = 0; static unsigned long ulLastNumMacs = 0; static time_t ulLastTime = myTZ.toLocal(now()); LEDMatrix matrix(LED_MATRIX_LA_74138, LED_MATRIX_LB_74138, LED_MATRIX_LC_74138, LED_MATRIX_LD_74138, LED_MATRIX_EN_74138, LED_MATRIX_DATA_R1, LED_MATRIX_LATCHPIN, LED_MATRIX_CLOCKPIN); // Display Buffer 128 = 64 * 16 / 8 uint8_t displaybuf[LED_MATRIX_WIDTH * LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT / NUMCHARS]; // --- SELECT YOUR FONT HERE --- const FONT_INFO *ActiveFontInfo = &digital7_18ptFontInfo; //const FONT_INFO *ActiveFontInfo = &arialNarrow_17ptFontInfo; //const FONT_INFO *ActiveFontInfo = &gillSansMTCondensed_18ptFontInfo; //const FONT_INFO *ActiveFontInfo = &gillSansMTCondensed_16ptFontInfo; const uint8_t *iaActiveFont = ActiveFontInfo->Bitmap; const FONT_CHAR_INFO *ActiveFontCharInfo = ActiveFontInfo->Descriptors; void init_matrix_display(bool reverse) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing LED Matrix display"); matrix.begin(displaybuf, LED_MATRIX_WIDTH, LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT); if (reverse) matrix.reverse(); matrix.clear(); DrawNumber(String("0")); } // init_display void refreshTheMatrixDisplay(bool nextPage) { static uint8_t DisplayPage = 0; char buff[16]; // if Matrixdisplay is switched off we don't refresh it to relax cpu if (!MatrixDisplayIsOn && (MatrixDisplayIsOn == cfg.screenon)) return; // set display on/off according to current device configuration if (MatrixDisplayIsOn != cfg.screenon) { MatrixDisplayIsOn = cfg.screenon; } if (nextPage) { DisplayPage = (DisplayPage >= MATRIX_DISPLAY_PAGES - 1) ? 0 : (DisplayPage + 1); matrix.clear(); } switch (DisplayPage % MATRIX_DISPLAY_PAGES) { // page 0: pax // page 1: time case 0: if (ulLastNumMacs != macs.size()) { ulLastNumMacs = macs.size(); matrix.clear(); DrawNumber(String(ulLastNumMacs)); } case 1: const time_t t = myTZ.toLocal(now()); if (ulLastTime != t) { ulLastTime = t; matrix.clear(); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(t), minute(t), second(t)); DrawNumber(String(buff)); } } // switch page matrix.scan(); } // (x, y) top-left position, x should be multiple of 8 void DrawChar(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char cChar) { // Get address of char in font char descriptor from font descriptor auto CharDescAddress = (cChar - ActiveFontInfo->StartChar); // Get offset of char into font bitmap uint16_t FontBitmapOffset = ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].offset; // Check font height, if it's less than matrix height we need to // add some empty lines to font does not stick to the top if (ActiveFontInfo->CharHeight < (LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT - y)) { uint8_t FillerLines = (LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT - y) - ActiveFontInfo->CharHeight; if (FillerLines % 2 == 0) { // Use floor (round down) to get heighest possible divider // for missing lines y = floor(FillerLines / 2); } } int iDst = (x / 8) + (y * 8); int Shift = x % 8; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].height; i++) { int iDigitA = iaActiveFont[FontBitmapOffset]; int Left = iDigitA >> Shift; int Right = iDigitA << (8 - Shift); displaybuf[iDst] |= Left; displaybuf[iDst + 1] |= Right; if (ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].width > 8) { int iDigitB = iaActiveFont[FontBitmapOffset + 1]; Left = iDigitB >> Shift; Right = iDigitB << (8 - Shift); displaybuf[iDst + 1] |= Left; displaybuf[iDst + 2] |= Right; FontBitmapOffset++; } FontBitmapOffset++; iDst += 8; } } void DrawNumber(String strNum, uint8_t iDotPos) { uint8_t iNumLength = strNum.length(); uint8_t iDigitPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iNumLength; i++) { DrawChar(iDigitPos, 0, strNum.charAt(i)); if (i + 1 == iDotPos) { iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth(strNum.charAt(i)) + ActiveFontInfo->SpaceWidth; DrawChar(iDigitPos, 0, '.'); iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth('.') + ActiveFontInfo->SpaceWidth; } else { iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth(strNum.charAt(i)) + ActiveFontInfo->SpaceWidth; } } } uint8_t GetCharFromFont(char cChar) { auto cStartChar = ActiveFontInfo->StartChar; auto iCharLocation = cChar - cStartChar; auto iCharBitmap = iaActiveFont[iCharLocation]; return iCharBitmap; } uint8_t GetCharWidth(char cChar) { // Get address of char in font char descriptor from font descriptor auto CharDescAddress = (cChar - ActiveFontInfo->StartChar); // Get offset of char into font bitmap auto CharDescriptor = ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress]; return CharDescriptor.width; } #endif // HAS_MATRIX_DISPLAY