/* * TimeRTCLogger.ino * example code illustrating adding and subtracting Time. * * this sketch logs pin state change events * the time of the event and time since the previous event is calculated and sent to the serial port. */ #include <TimeLib.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <DS1307RTC.h> // a basic DS1307 library that returns time as a time_t const int nbrInputPins = 6; // monitor 6 digital pins const int inputPins[nbrInputPins] = {2,3,4,5,6,7}; // pins to monitor boolean state[nbrInputPins] ; // the state of the monitored pins time_t prevEventTime[nbrInputPins] ; // the time of the previous event void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); setSyncProvider(RTC.get); // the function to sync the time from the RTC for (int i=0; i < nbrInputPins; i++) { pinMode( inputPins[i], INPUT); // uncomment these lines if pull-up resistors are wanted // pinMode( inputPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP); // state[i] = HIGH; } } void loop() { for (int i=0; i < nbrInputPins; i++) { boolean val = digitalRead(inputPins[i]); if (val != state[i]) { time_t duration = 0; // the time since the previous event state[i] = val; time_t timeNow = now(); if (prevEventTime[i] > 0) { // if this was not the first state change, calculate the time from the previous change duration = timeNow - prevEventTime[i]; } logEvent(inputPins[i], val, timeNow, duration ); // log the event prevEventTime[i] = timeNow; // store the time for this event } } } void logEvent( int pin, boolean state, time_t timeNow, time_t duration) { Serial.print("Pin "); Serial.print(pin); if (state == HIGH) { Serial.print(" went High at "); } else { Serial.print(" went Low at "); } showTime(timeNow); if (duration > 0) { // only display duration if greater than 0 Serial.print(", Duration was "); showDuration(duration); } Serial.println(); } void showTime(time_t t) { // display the given time Serial.print(hour(t)); printDigits(minute(t)); printDigits(second(t)); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(day(t)); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(month(t)); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(year(t)); } void printDigits(int digits){ // utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0 Serial.print(":"); if(digits < 10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(digits); } void showDuration(time_t duration) { // prints the duration in days, hours, minutes and seconds if (duration >= SECS_PER_DAY) { Serial.print(duration / SECS_PER_DAY); Serial.print(" day(s) "); duration = duration % SECS_PER_DAY; } if (duration >= SECS_PER_HOUR) { Serial.print(duration / SECS_PER_HOUR); Serial.print(" hour(s) "); duration = duration % SECS_PER_HOUR; } if (duration >= SECS_PER_MIN) { Serial.print(duration / SECS_PER_MIN); Serial.print(" minute(s) "); duration = duration % SECS_PER_MIN; } Serial.print(duration); Serial.print(" second(s) "); }