feat(LED Matrix Display): Added support for a LED Matrix display
This commit adds support for a specific LED Matrix display, which can be used to show the number of found devices on a rather large display. We (hackerspace Brixel) used this on the mini Maker Faire Gent 2019 to show the number of found devices throughout the event
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ extern uint16_t volatile macs_total, macs_wifi, macs_ble,
batt_voltage; // display values
extern bool volatile TimePulseTick; // 1sec pps flag set by GPS or RTC
extern timesource_t timeSource;
extern hw_timer_t *displayIRQ, *ppsIRQ, *gpsIRQ;
extern hw_timer_t *displayIRQ, *matrixDisplayIRQ, *ppsIRQ, *gpsIRQ;
extern SemaphoreHandle_t I2Caccess;
extern TaskHandle_t irqHandlerTask, ClockTask;
extern TimerHandle_t WifiChanTimer;
@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ extern time_t volatile gps_pps_time;
#include "display.h"
#include "ledmatrixdisplay.h"
#include "button.h"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#define DISPLAY_IRQ 0x01
#define BUTTON_IRQ 0x02
#define SENDCYCLE_IRQ 0x04
#define CYCLIC_IRQ 0x08
#define TIMESYNC_IRQ 0x10
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ int unmask_user_IRQ();
void IRAM_ATTR DisplayIRQ();
void IRAM_ATTR MatrixDisplayIRQ();
void IRAM_ATTR ButtonIRQ();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include "LEDMatrix.h"
#include "ledmatrixfonts.h"
extern uint8_t MatrixDisplayIsOn;
extern LEDMatrix matrix;
void init_matrix_display(const char *Productname, const char *Version);
void refreshTheMatrixDisplay(void);
void DrawNumber(String strNum, uint8_t iDotPos = 0);
uint8_t GetCharFromFont(char cChar);
uint8_t GetCharWidth(char cChar);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Fonts.h
#ifndef _FONTS_h
#define _FONTS_h
#include "Arduino.h"
uint8_t width; // width in bits
uint8_t height;
uint16_t offset; // offset of char into char array
struct FONT_INFO {
uint8_t CharHeight;
char StartChar;
char EndChar;
uint8_t SpaceWidth;
const FONT_CHAR_INFO *Descriptors;
const uint8_t *Bitmap;
// Font data for Microsoft Sans Serif 11pt
extern const uint8_t arialNarrow_17ptBitmaps[];
extern const uint8_t gillSansMTCondensed_18ptBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_18ptFontInfo;
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_18ptDescriptors[];
// Font data for Gill Sans MT Condensed 16pt
extern const uint8_t gillSansMTCondensed_16ptBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_16ptFontInfo;
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_16ptDescriptors[];
// Font data for Digital-7 18pt
extern const uint8_t digital7_18ptBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_INFO digital7_18ptFontInfo;
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO digital7_18ptDescriptors[];
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ lib_deps_lora =
lib_deps_display =
lib_deps_matrix_display =
lib_deps_rgbled =
lib_deps_gps =
@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ lib_deps_all =
build_flags_basic =
-include "src/hal/${PIOENV}.h"
-include "src/paxcounter.conf"
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ void irqHandler(void *pvParameters) {
// LED Matrix display needs refresh?
if (InterruptStatus & MATRIX_DISPLAY_IRQ)
// gps refresh buffer?
#if (HAS_GPS)
if (InterruptStatus & GPS_IRQ)
@ -79,6 +85,17 @@ void IRAM_ATTR DisplayIRQ() {
void IRAM_ATTR MatrixDisplayIRQ() {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
xTaskNotifyFromISR(irqHandlerTask, MATRIX_DISPLAY_IRQ, eSetBits,
if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
void IRAM_ATTR ButtonIRQ() {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include "globals.h"
#define NUMCHARS 5
// local Tag for logging
static const char TAG[] = __FILE__;
uint8_t MatrixDisplayIsOn = 0;
unsigned long ulLastNumMacs = 0;
LEDMatrix matrix(LED_MATRIX_LA_74138, LED_MATRIX_LB_74138, LED_MATRIX_LC_74138,
// Display Buffer 128 = 64 * 16 / 8
const FONT_INFO *ActiveFontInfo = &digital7_18ptFontInfo;
const uint8_t *iaActiveFont = ActiveFontInfo->Bitmap;
const FONT_CHAR_INFO *ActiveFontCharInfo = ActiveFontInfo->Descriptors;
void init_matrix_display(const char *Productname, const char *Version) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing LED Matrix display");
matrix.begin(displaybuf, LED_MATRIX_WIDTH, LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT);
} // init_display
void refreshTheMatrixDisplay() {
if (ulLastNumMacs != macs.size()) {
ulLastNumMacs = macs.size();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting display to counter: %lu", macs.size());
// (x, y) top-left position, x should be multiple of 8
void DrawChar(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char cChar) {
// Get address of char in font char descriptor from font descriptor
auto CharDescAddress = (cChar - ActiveFontInfo->StartChar);
// Get offset of char into font bitmap
uint16_t FontBitmapOffset = ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].offset;
// Serial.printf("Address of %c is %i, bitmap offset is %u\r\n", cChar,
// CharDescAddress, FontBitmapOffset);
// Check font height, if it's less than matrix height we need to
// add some empty lines to font does not stick to the top
if (ActiveFontInfo->CharHeight < (LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT - y)) {
uint8_t FillerLines = (LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT - y) - ActiveFontInfo->CharHeight;
if (FillerLines % 2 == 0) {
// Use floor (round down) to get heighest possible divider
// for missing lines
y = floor(FillerLines / 2);
int iDst = (x / 8) + (y * 8);
int Shift = x % 8;
// Serial.printf("Got hex '%x'\r\n", pSrc);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].height; i++) {
int iDigitA = iaActiveFont[FontBitmapOffset];
int Left = iDigitA >> Shift;
int Right = iDigitA << (8 - Shift);
displaybuf[iDst] |= Left;
displaybuf[iDst + 1] |= Right;
if (ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress].width > 8) {
int iDigitB = iaActiveFont[FontBitmapOffset + 1];
Left = iDigitB >> Shift;
Right = iDigitB << (8 - Shift);
displaybuf[iDst + 1] |= Left;
displaybuf[iDst + 2] |= Right;
iDst += 8;
void DrawNumber(String strNum, uint8_t iDotPos) {
uint8_t iNumLength = strNum.length();
uint8_t iDigitPos = 0;
// Serial.printf("Showing number '%s' (length: %i)\r\n", strNum.c_str(),
// iNumLength);
for (int i = 0; i < iNumLength; i++) {
// Serial.printf("Showing char '%c' at x:%i y:%i\r\n",
// strNum.charAt(i),
// iDigitPos, 0);
DrawChar(iDigitPos, 0, strNum.charAt(i));
if (i + 1 == iDotPos) {
// matrix.drawRect((iDigitPos * 8) - 1, 15, iDigitPos * 8,
// 16, 1);
iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth(strNum.charAt(i)) +
DrawChar(iDigitPos, 0, '.');
iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth('.') + ActiveFontInfo->SpaceWidth;
} else {
iDigitPos = iDigitPos + GetCharWidth(strNum.charAt(i)) +
uint8_t GetCharFromFont(char cChar) {
auto cStartChar = ActiveFontInfo->StartChar;
auto iCharLocation = cChar - cStartChar;
auto iCharBitmap = iaActiveFont[iCharLocation];
return iCharBitmap;
uint8_t GetCharWidth(char cChar) {
// Get address of char in font char descriptor from font descriptor
auto CharDescAddress = (cChar - ActiveFontInfo->StartChar);
// Get offset of char into font bitmap
auto CharDescriptor = ActiveFontCharInfo[CharDescAddress];
// Serial.printf("Char %c is %i wide\r\n", cChar, CharDescriptor.width);
return CharDescriptor.width;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
#include "ledmatrixfonts.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
// Font data for Arial Narrow 17pt
// Character bitmaps for Arial Narrow 17pt
const uint8_t arialNarrow_17ptBitmaps[] = {
// @0 '-' (10 pixels wide)
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00111110, 0b00000000, // #####
0b00111110, 0b00000000, // #####
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
0b00000000, 0b00000000, //
// @32 '0' (10 pixels wide)
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
// @64 '1' (10 pixels wide)
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00001110, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00110110, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00100110, 0b00000000, // # ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
// @96 '2' (10 pixels wide)
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00110011, 0b10000000, // ## ###
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000111, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00001110, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00001100, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00011000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00110000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00100000, 0b00000000, // #
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
// @128 '3' (10 pixels wide)
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b10000000, // ###
0b00001111, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00001110, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00110011, 0b10000000, // ## ###
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
// @160 '4' (10 pixels wide)
0b00000111, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00000111, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00001111, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00001111, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00011011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00011011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b01100011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b01100011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b11000011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b11111111, 0b11000000, // ##########
0b11111111, 0b11000000, // ##########
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
// @192 '5' (10 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00110000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00110000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b01100000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b01101110, 0b00000000, // ## ###
0b01111111, 0b00000000, // #######
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
// @224 '6' (10 pixels wide)
0b00001110, 0b00000000, // ###
0b00011111, 0b00000000, // #####
0b00110011, 0b10000000, // ## ###
0b00100001, 0b10000000, // # ##
0b01100000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b01101110, 0b00000000, // ## ###
0b01111111, 0b00000000, // #######
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
// @256 '7' (10 pixels wide)
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
0b00000001, 0b00000000, // #
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000011, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000110, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00000100, 0b00000000, // #
0b00001100, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00001100, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00001100, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00001100, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00011000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00011000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00011000, 0b00000000, // ##
0b00011000, 0b00000000, // ##
// @288 '8' (10 pixels wide)
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
// @320 '9' (10 pixels wide)
0b00011110, 0b00000000, // ####
0b00111111, 0b00000000, // ######
0b00110011, 0b00000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01100001, 0b10000000, // ## ##
0b01110011, 0b10000000, // ### ###
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
0b00011101, 0b10000000, // ### ##
0b00000001, 0b10000000, // ##
0b01100001, 0b00000000, // ## #
0b01110011, 0b00000000, // ### ##
0b00111110, 0b00000000, // #####
0b00011100, 0b00000000, // ###
// Font data for Gill Sans MT Condensed 18pt
// Character bitmaps for Gill Sans MT Condensed 18pt
const uint8_t gillSansMTCondensed_18ptBitmaps[] = {
// @0 '-' (8 pixels wide)
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
// @16 '0' (8 pixels wide)
0b00111100, // ####
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b00111100, // ####
// @32 '1' (8 pixels wide)
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
// @48 '2' (8 pixels wide)
0b11111100, // ######
0b11111110, // #######
0b11001111, // ## ####
0b00000111, // ###
0b00000111, // ###
0b00000111, // ###
0b00000111, // ###
0b00000110, // ##
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111111, // #######
0b11111111, // ########
// @64 '3' (8 pixels wide)
0b11111000, // #####
0b11111100, // ######
0b00011110, // ####
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b11011110, // ## ####
0b11111100, // ######
0b11111000, // #####
// @80 '4' (8 pixels wide)
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011110, // ####
0b00011110, // ####
0b00111110, // #####
0b00111110, // #####
0b00111110, // #####
0b01101110, // ## ###
0b01101110, // ## ###
0b11001110, // ## ###
0b11001110, // ## ###
0b11111111, // ########
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
// @96 '5' (8 pixels wide)
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111000, // ####
0b01111100, // #####
0b00011110, // ####
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b11111100, // ######
0b11111000, // #####
// @112 '6' (8 pixels wide)
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b11111110, // #######
0b11110111, // #### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11111111, // ########
0b01111110, // ######
0b00111100, // ####
// @128 '7' (8 pixels wide)
0b11111111, // ########
0b11111111, // ########
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00110000, // ##
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
// @144 '8' (8 pixels wide)
0b00111100, // ####
0b01111110, // ######
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11111111, // ########
0b01111110, // ######
0b00111100, // ####
// @160 '9' (8 pixels wide)
0b00111100, // ####
0b01111110, // ######
0b11111111, // ########
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11100111, // ### ###
0b11101111, // ### ####
0b01111111, // #######
0b00111110, // #####
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
// Character descriptors for Gill Sans MT Condensed 18pt
// { [Char width in bits], [Char height in bits], [Offset into
// gillSansMTCondensed_18ptCharBitmaps in bytes] }
const FONT_CHAR_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_18ptDescriptors[] = {
{8, 16, 0}, // -
{0, 0, 0}, // .
{0, 0, 0}, // /
{8, 16, 16}, // 0
{8, 16, 32}, // 1
{8, 16, 48}, // 2
{8, 16, 64}, // 3
{8, 16, 80}, // 4
{8, 16, 96}, // 5
{8, 16, 112}, // 6
{8, 16, 128}, // 7
{8, 16, 144}, // 8
{8, 16, 160}, // 9
// Font information for Gill Sans MT Condensed 18pt
const FONT_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_18ptFontInfo = {
2, // Character height
'-', // Start character
'9', // End character
2, // Width, in pixels, of space character
// Font data for Gill Sans MT Condensed 16pt
// Character bitmaps for Gill Sans MT Condensed 16pt
const uint8_t gillSansMTCondensed_16ptBitmaps[] = {
// @0 '-' (7 pixels wide)
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00111110, // #####
0b00111110, // #####
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
// @14 '0' (7 pixels wide)
0b00111000, // ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b00111000, // ###
// @28 '1' (7 pixels wide)
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
// @42 '2' (7 pixels wide)
0b11111000, // #####
0b11111100, // ######
0b00011110, // ####
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001100, // ##
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111110, // ######
0b11111110, // #######
// @56 '3' (7 pixels wide)
0b11110000, // ####
0b11111000, // #####
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b11111000, // #####
0b11110000, // ####
// @70 '4' (7 pixels wide)
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111100, // ####
0b00111100, // ####
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b11011100, // ## ###
0b11011100, // ## ###
0b11111110, // #######
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
// @84 '5' (7 pixels wide)
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111110, // ######
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b00011110, // ####
0b00001110, // ###
0b00001110, // ###
0b00011110, // ####
0b11111100, // ######
0b11111000, // #####
// @98 '6' (7 pixels wide)
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b11111100, // ######
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111000, // ####
// @112 '7' (7 pixels wide)
0b11111110, // #######
0b11111110, // #######
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
// @126 '8' (7 pixels wide)
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b01111100, // #####
0b01111100, // #####
// @140 '9' (7 pixels wide)
0b00111100, // ####
0b01111100, // #####
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b11101110, // ### ###
0b01111110, // ######
0b01111100, // #####
0b00011100, // ###
0b00011100, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b00111000, // ###
0b01110000, // ###
// Character descriptors for Gill Sans MT Condensed 16pt
// { [Char width in bits], [Char height in bits], [Offset into
// gillSansMTCondensed_16ptCharBitmaps in bytes] }
const FONT_CHAR_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_16ptDescriptors[] = {
{7, 14, 0}, // -
{0, 0, 0}, // .
{0, 0, 0}, // /
{7, 14, 14}, // 0
{7, 14, 28}, // 1
{7, 14, 42}, // 2
{7, 14, 56}, // 3
{7, 14, 70}, // 4
{7, 14, 84}, // 5
{7, 14, 98}, // 6
{7, 14, 112}, // 7
{7, 14, 126}, // 8
{7, 14, 140}, // 9
// Font information for Gill Sans MT Condensed 16pt
const FONT_INFO gillSansMTCondensed_16ptFontInfo = {
2, // Character height
'-', // Start character
'9', // End character
2, // Width, in pixels, of space character
gillSansMTCondensed_16ptDescriptors, // Character descriptor array
gillSansMTCondensed_16ptBitmaps, // Character bitmap array
// Font data for Digital-7 18pt
// Character bitmaps for Digital-7 18pt
const uint8_t digital7_18ptBitmaps[] = {
// @0 '-' (7 pixels wide)
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b11111110, // #######
0b11111110, // #######
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
// @16 '.' (3 pixels wide)
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b00000000, //
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
// @32 '0' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11000000, 0b01100000, // ## ##
0b11000000, 0b01100000, // ## ##
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
// @64 '1' (3 pixels wide)
0b01100000, // ##
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b01100000, // ##
0b01100000, // ##
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b11100000, // ###
0b01100000, // ##
// @80 '2' (11 pixels wide)
0b11111111, 0b10000000, // #########
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b11111111, 0b11000000, // ##########
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b00111111, 0b11100000, // #########
// @112 '3' (10 pixels wide)
0b11111111, 0b00000000, // ########
0b11111111, 0b11000000, // ##########
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b00000001, 0b11000000, // ###
0b11111111, 0b11000000, // ##########
0b11111111, 0b00000000, // ########
// @144 '4' (11 pixels wide)
0b11000000, 0b01100000, // ## ##
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b01100000, // ##
// @176 '5' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b11000000, // ########
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11111111, 0b10000000, // #########
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b11111111, 0b10000000, // #########
// @208 '6' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b11000000, // ########
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11100000, 0b00000000, // ###
0b11111111, 0b10000000, // #########
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b01111111, 0b10000000, // ########
// @240 '7' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11000000, 0b01100000, // ## ##
0b00000000, 0b01100000, // ##
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b01100000, // ##
// @272 '8' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b00111111, 0b10000000, // #######
// @304 '9' (11 pixels wide)
0b00111111, 0b11000000, // ########
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11100000, 0b11100000, // ### ###
0b11111111, 0b11100000, // ###########
0b01111111, 0b11100000, // ##########
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b00000000, 0b11100000, // ###
0b01111111, 0b11000000, // #########
0b11111111, 0b10000000, // #########
// Character descriptors for Digital-7 18pt
// { [Char width in bits], [Char height in bits], [Offset into
// digital7_18ptCharBitmaps in bytes] }
const FONT_CHAR_INFO digital7_18ptDescriptors[] = {
{7, 16, 0}, // -
{3, 16, 16}, // .
{0, 0, 0}, // /
{11, 16, 32}, // 0
{3, 16, 64}, // 1
{11, 16, 80}, // 2
{10, 16, 112}, // 3
{11, 16, 144}, // 4
{11, 16, 176}, // 5
{11, 16, 208}, // 6
{11, 16, 240}, // 7
{11, 16, 272}, // 8
{11, 16, 304}, // 9
// Font information for Digital-7 18pt
const FONT_INFO digital7_18ptFontInfo = {
16, // Character height
'-', // Start character
'9', // End character
2, // Width, in pixels, of space character
digital7_18ptDescriptors, // Character descriptor array
digital7_18ptBitmaps, // Character bitmap array
@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ uint8_t volatile channel = 0; // channel rotation counter
uint16_t volatile macs_total = 0, macs_wifi = 0, macs_ble = 0,
batt_voltage = 0; // globals for display
hw_timer_t *ppsIRQ = NULL, *displayIRQ = NULL, *gpsIRQ = NULL;
hw_timer_t *ppsIRQ = NULL, *displayIRQ = NULL, *matrixDisplayIRQ = NULL,
*gpsIRQ = NULL;
TaskHandle_t irqHandlerTask = NULL, ClockTask = NULL;
SemaphoreHandle_t I2Caccess;
@ -323,6 +324,13 @@ void setup() {
init_display(PRODUCTNAME, PROGVERSION); // note: blocking call
// initialize matrix display
strcat_P(features, " LED_MATRIX");
MatrixDisplayIsOn = cfg.screenon;
init_matrix_display(PRODUCTNAME, PROGVERSION); // note: blocking call
// show payload encoder
strcat_P(features, " PLAIN");
@ -410,7 +418,17 @@ void setup() {
// gps buffer read interrupt
// LED Matrix display interrupt
// https://techtutorialsx.com/2017/10/07/esp32-arduino-timer-interrupts/
// prescaler 80 -> divides 80 MHz CPU freq to 1 MHz, timer 3, count up
matrixDisplayIRQ = timerBegin(3, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(matrixDisplayIRQ, &MatrixDisplayIRQ, true);
timerAlarmWrite(matrixDisplayIRQ, MATRIX_DISPLAY_SCAN_US, true);
// gps buffer read interrupt
#if (HAS_GPS)
gpsIRQ = timerBegin(2, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(gpsIRQ, &GpsIRQ, true);
@ -110,3 +110,18 @@
// LMIC settings
// -> in src/lmic_config.h
// LED Matrix display settings. Pin numbers work fine for Wemos Lolin32 board (all used pins are on 1 side of the board)
// Note: LED Matrix will only show number of found devices, no other information will be shown for now
//#define HAS_MATRIX_DISPLAY 1 // Uncomment to enable LED matrix display output
#define MATRIX_DISPLAY_SCAN_US 500 // Matrix display scan rate in microseconds (1ms is about 'acceptable')
#define LED_MATRIX_LATCHPIN 13 // Connects to LAT pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_CLOCKPIN 32 // Connects to CLK pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_EN_74138 12 // Connects to OE pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_LA_74138 14 // Connects to LA pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_LB_74138 27 // Connects to LB pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_LC_74138 25 // Connects to LC pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_LD_74138 26 // Connects to LD pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_DATA_R1 33 // Connects to R1 pin on display
#define LED_MATRIX_WIDTH 64 // Width in pixels (LEDs) of your display
#define LED_MATRIX_HEIGHT 16 // Height in pixels (LEDs ) of your display
Reference in New Issue
Block a user