2019-03-09 00:53:11 +01:00
2019-03-09 00:54:34 +01:00
///--> IMPORTANT LICENSE NOTE for this file <--///
2019-03-09 00:53:11 +01:00
PLEASE NOTE: There is a patent filed for the time sync algorithm used in the
2019-03-09 00:54:34 +01:00
code of this file. The shown implementation example is covered by the
2019-03-09 00:53:11 +01:00
repository's licencse, but you may not be eligible to deploy the applied
algorithm in applications without granted license for the algorithm by the
patent holder.
#include "timesync.h"
// Local logging tag
static const char TAG[] = __FILE__;
TaskHandle_t timeSyncReqTask, timeSyncAnsTask;
uint32_t time_sync_messages[TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES +
1] = {0},
time_sync_answers[TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES + 1] = {0};
uint8_t volatile time_sync_seqNo = 0; // used in lorawan.cpp to store timestamp
// send time request message
void send_Servertime_req() {
// if a timesync handshake is pending then exit
if ((timeSyncAnsTask) || (timeSyncReqTask)) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timesync sync request already running");
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timeserver sync request started");
// clear timestamp array
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES + 1; i++) {
time_sync_messages[i] = time_sync_answers[i] = 0;
// create temporary task for processing sync answers if not already active
if (!timeSyncAnsTask)
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(process_Servertime_sync_ans, // task function
"timesync_ans", // name of task
2048, // stack size of task
(void *)1, // task parameter
0, // priority of the task
&timeSyncAnsTask, // task handle
1); // CPU core
// create temporary task sending sync requests
if (!timeSyncReqTask)
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(process_Servertime_sync_req, // task function
"timesync_req", // name of task
2048, // stack size of task
(void *)1, // task parameter
0, // priority of the task
&timeSyncReqTask, // task handle
1); // CPU core
// process timeserver timestamp response, called from rcommand.cpp
void recv_Servertime_ans(uint8_t val[]) {
// if no timesync handshake is pending then exit
if (!time_sync_seqNo)
uint8_t seq_no = val[0];
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
timestamp = (timestamp << 8) | val[i];
time_sync_answers[seq_no] = timestamp;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Timeserver timestamp #%d received: time=%d", seq_no,
// inform processing task
if (timeSyncAnsTask)
xTaskNotify(timeSyncAnsTask, seq_no, eSetBits);
// task for sending time sync requests
void process_Servertime_sync_req(void *taskparameter) {
// enqueue timestamp samples in lora sendqueue
for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES; i++) {
payload.add2Bytes(TIME_SYNC_REQ_OPCODE, i);
SendPayload(TIMEPORT, prio_high);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Timeserver request #%d sent", i);
// Wait for the next cycle
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(TIME_SYNC_CYCLE * 1000));
timeSyncReqTask = NULL;
vTaskDelete(NULL); // end task
// task for processing a timesync handshake
void process_Servertime_sync_ans(void *taskparameter) {
uint32_t seq_no = 0;
uint32_t NetworkTime = 0;
int32_t time_diff = 0;
uint8_t ans_counter = TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES;
// collect incoming timestamp samples notified by rcommand
for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES; i++) {
if (xTaskNotifyWait(0x00, ULONG_MAX, &seq_no,
continue; // no answer received before timeout
time_diff += time_sync_messages[seq_no] - time_sync_answers[seq_no];
if (ans_counter) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Timesync handshake timeout");
} else {
// calculate time diff from set of collected timestamps
if (time_diff / TIME_SYNC_SAMPLES) {
NetworkTime = now() + time_diff;
2019-03-09 00:54:34 +01:00
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timesync finished, time offset=%d seconds", time_diff);
2019-03-09 00:53:11 +01:00
// Update system time with time read from the network
if (timeIsValid(NetworkTime)) {
timeSource = _lora;
timesyncer.attach(TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL * 60,
timeSync); // set to regular repeat
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Recent time received from timeserver");
} else
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Invalid time received from timeserver");
} else
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timesync finished, time is up to date");
} // if (ans_counter)
time_sync_seqNo = 0;
timeSyncAnsTask = NULL;
vTaskDelete(NULL); // end task
void force_Servertime_sync(uint8_t val[]) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Timesync requested by timeserver");